“Why should that mean anything to me?” I frown, nailing him with my best ‘get-to-the-point’ glare.
“Because of who I was loyal to.” For the first time in history, I see his bland, flawless expression falter.
His nostrils flare. His lips quiver. Just a fraction.
“What are you saying, Sing?”
“That I want to throw my lot in with someone who wants to make a difference. To get out from under a tyrant and do something meaningful, work for someone who gives a shit, just like her mother did.”
A leaf falling on the other side of the valley could echo in the silence that statement leaves in its wake.
Ora’s fingers hook around my arm, steadying me.
“You know my mother?”
“I was her bodyguard. And friend.”
“Why tell me this now?”
“Because we’re free to leave. And we’ve all chosen to stay, to help you fight Rachelle and her flunkies. If you’ll have us.”
Every brute behind him nods in agreement, most of them still roughed up from the battle at the wedding.
All of them armed to the teeth.
They could have done us a lot of damage if they’d wanted to storm this place, take what’s ours.
“You’re a fair boss, Miss Michaels.” Jay speaks up, looking completely uncomfortable talking out in front of others.
“Give us a chance to show you how good we can be, too,” Mannie adds, taking a knee.
The rest follow suit, kneeling to me.
What. The actual. Fuck.
“Well, that’s fitting.” Ora snorts, shaking her head.
“I…” Glancing at her, I shake my head for a very different reason. “I can’t…”
“You can. And it’s your call, Hell. You know them best.”
“Then let’s put them to work. We have a Herald to silence.”
Black painted nails dig into my thighs.
Black lipstick contrasting with a bright red tongue, dragging up my exposed abdomen. Right up the crease in my tense muscles. Between the cleft of my pecs, all the way to my chin.
Shivers. Cool tingles across my overheated flesh.
Followed by stinging pain. The mark of her teeth sinking into my neck hard enough to make me shout. Hard enough to draw blood.
Anything she does to me is absolutely divine.
Scintillating pleasure, whether pain or ecstasy.