It’s a thin hope, but it’s all I have. And being the only person who knew where his main apartment was…
It doesn't hurt to look.
Not to mention that he may also have copies of the documents missing from the safe.
I should have asked Tell and Gavin. But I couldn’t exactly bring it up in front of Sing.
Even if I am starting to think that he might be more on my side than I thought.
Only I can’t take that step.
Not without some proof that he’s not going to go straight back to Marco with anything I tell him. It's bad enough that I’m off galivanting around town without my guards.
One test at a time.
If he doesn’t rat me out for sneaking out…
The sprawling living space of the luxury apartment looks forlorn in the daylight. I only ever came here at night. Mood lighting. Mood fighting at the time, too.
Followed by wild, unbridled, mind-blowing sex.
Instead of the swell of any kind of arousal, though, all I feel is hollow at the thought. If Gavin doesn’t think he made it…
Dust coats most of the surfaces. Faint, from lack of traffic.
But some of it is disturbed.
Hard to tell how recently. The door wasn’t broken, or any of the glass downstairs. Which means it had to have been someone with a key.
“Hellena.” Sing’s voice cuts through the silence from the study.
Odd. He never calls me that.
Stepping into the well-lit room, I spot what he’s discovered. The desk is a mess. The safe on the wall is smashed, broken into.
And there on the chair, the doorman’s jacket and hat.
“Guess Quentin hit the jackpot when the town went tits up. Wonder how many other apartments look the same?” I scoff, dropping the uniform back to the chair.
“Anything other than money?” Sing’s bland question sparks a memory.
“No. Because that’s all Evan kept in this safe.”
But it wasn’t his only safe. The night of the Ball, he went to get some things for us. Supposedly, everything we would need to leave town. To vanish.
Heading to the bedroom, I keep my focus away from the clean, neatly made king size.
Too many memories.
In the closet, the suits line the walkway, all the way to the back wall, where a mirror fills the space. Even in the dark, I can see that it’s been moved.
And I don’t have to know the code to the safe to know that only one person would know about it.
Or maybe it’s just my imagination playing horrible tricks on me.
“Find what you were looking for?”
I shake my head, passing Sing and heading back the way we came.