“I’d love to hear it.”
“Sing will fill you in on the way. Gavin?” He smiles grimly and nods toward where we hid the truck.
“Why am I driving?” I stammer, my hands shaking a bit as I take us back to my doom.
“Because. You’re in charge.”
“Right.” Just like I was in charge when Gavin and Tell basically forced me into this car, hid the entrance to the old base, and took off to orchestrate some last-minute hail-Mary plan. “And what exactly did I order you to come with me to do?”
“Precisely what you were doing.”
I side-eye him, wondering if he knows.
How much Tell told him. How much he picked up spending the past several days at a camp I know nothing about.
“Weren’t you supposed to report back to me on things at Camp Clive?”
Sing sniffs.
Was that an actual laugh?!
He catches me gaping at him and glances away, out the window. “That’s actually what they call it.”
“Of course it is.” I chuckle, some of the tension easing out of my vise grip. “Alright. There are a few more stops I wanted to make today. If you don’t mind?”
“Like I said.”
“I’m in charge.”
For now. The minute Marco gets to the mansion, that’s all done. Even if he doesn’t suspect me of foul play, he’s the real boss. And he’s likely bringing a fair portion of his army.
I need something to give him.
A show of good faith.
The path is relatively clear on the way to our first destination.
It’s not far from the old road to my dad’s, or the mansion, actually.
The ritzy apartments look as if they weathered the storm of the flood and the aftermath better than most of town. Probably due to the fact that all of these buildings had security. And most floors are only reachable by elevator or locked stairwells.
Fortunately for me, I picked up another trinket while I was at the house.
Evan’s spare key was in one of his pants pockets.
I just had to stomach touching the material that he wore only a few weeks ago, try not to think about the fact that he’s probably?—
I won’t accept that.
Which is precisely why I wanted to check his apartment. His old office.
There has to be some sign of him somewhere.
Maybe he’s lost and left a message. Or…