Walks off down the street like he’s out for a Sunday stroll.
Very interesting.
Fascinating, even.
The process, the event, repeats itself all over town. Hunters, with very specific orders. Tasks they seem to follow beyond all reason.
By the end of the next day, I’ve seen enough.
Signs all over town of the Block’s influence, rescuing anyone who needs assistance. Offering them a place to stay. With very specific rules. Agreements.
Surrender weapons.
Donate all available resources to the commonwealth. Fucking communism.
At the heart of all of it, Ora Clive. And Hellena.
Meeting in secret. Sharing intel.
I knew her change of heart was too good to be true.
So I make a phone call as my men prepare to make our arrival official, contacting the advance party at the mayor’s mansion. We’ll roll in tomorrow with pomp and circumstance.
To prepare for the wedding.
To make this takeover official.
“It’s me. I’ve seen what your poison does. Color me impressed.”
“I told you, despite his betrayals, Devonde knew his craft.” Rachelle chuckles, sounding slightly more in control than before.
“And you know yours. I think you were right. About me wasting time. Wasting resources.”
“I take it you want to cut to the chase? Expedite things?”
“Hellena has been off her leash long enough. She knows what we want, and how to get it.”
“You’ve had her this entire time, haven’t you?” Rachelle snips, her tone accusing. Dangerous.
“Not like I thought I did. It’s time she became devoted to the cause.”
“Hmm… that can be arranged.”
“Going somewhere?”
“To the bathroom. You want to watch?” I hammer Mannie with a glare.
“Sorry. Sing just said we need to keep you in sight all the time.”
“I promise not to sneak out the bathroom window. Besides, it’s late. I’m going to bed.”
“Yes, ma’am. See you in the morning.”