“But tedious. And slow to turn a result,” she snips.
“Then make a move. Follow through on your promises and deliver the Sinful’s bargaining chip in the government. And the gold.”
“I told you, I will have it soon.”
“The day of your wedding. Consider it a bridal present.”
“Consider this a final warning. No more delays.”
She’s on her feet, smiling down at me. For a split second, I almost see a presence behind her eyes. A flicker of a shadow, something dark and hideous.
Like my abuela used to warn us about.
The dark spirits. The cursed ones.
Then it’s gone, and that frantic look returns, following her off into the woods, back to wherever the crazy bitch is holed up.
I need to end this partnership before she snaps and loses her mind. Which means I need to find what she promised me on my own first.
Heading back to the circle of trucks and SUVs at the bottom of the path, I twirl my finger once overhead, signaling that we’re meeting up.
“Hit the hotel on the edge of town. They got everything we need ready?”
“Grico just called and confirmed,” Vance replies, opening my door.
“Good. Any word from Sing?”
“Rarely. Heh.” Lonnie chortles at the bad joke.
“Nah. He said he’d call when he had something, though.”
“Then let’s go see what we can see.”
Night hides our entry into town where we change into rougher gear, beat up cars, and arm ourselves to the teeth. For anyone watching, they’ll just see a few odd cars filled with survivors, or maybe opportunists coming to Sanctum to see what they can scavenge.
And with the cover and hazard of the Ghosts an ever present threat, no one will look twice at us.
Least of all Hellena’s little friends, or the woman herself.
She’s had over a week to get settled in.
To put out feelers.
And I know she’s up to something.
I intend to find out what that is.
“You look ridiculous, Lonnie,” Vance snorts, tugging on his jean vest.
“At least I don’t look like a gimp.”
“Hey! Shut up, this stupid leather shit’s the only thing that fit me!”
“Both of you look like flunk outs from the Village People,” Grico grumbles, shaking his head.