When he almost killed me for trespassing on his property. Because my aunt sent me to him. For protection from drug lords.
It doesn’t even sound ridiculous anymore.
“Alone at last.”
“I am. In a viper’s nest.”
“Best man for the job, for sure. We all have to play to our strengths.”
“Or use your friends’ strengths against them. You’re playing dirty, Lena.”
“Please, be careful who you say that around?—”
“Or what?” He lurches off the desk, crossing the room to me faster than someone his size should be able to.
“Or I will have to retaliate, put you in your place. I can’t look weak.” I straighten my spine, my heart pounding, my skin flushing under my clothes. Fuck, he’s so hot.
“Never that.” He’s so damn close.
“Gods, I’ve missed you…” I crack.
And I’m in his powerful arms.
Soft lips.
Supple, cushy curves.
Hellena feels like fucking heaven in my hands.
Tastes like molten honey, sweeter still.
No matter how much we should so seriously not be doin this, I give in, completely.
Those words on her lips, the way she looked at me.
There’s never been much to my resisting her.
After the first time we kissed, I was done.
So even when we showed up and she was a spitting image of Damon, her dad, my old mentor and best friend, I barely kept my head on straight. She’s behaving just like he did in later years, closing off. Cagey. Vigilant. Cold.
Only the fucking ninja in the room kept me on point.
That Sing guy is first-class.
Those thoughts blur to the feeling of her tongue seeking mine.
We grip one another so tightly, just for a moment. Then hands are seeking, fingers popping buttons.
My shirt.
Her blouse.