Page 72 of Hell Breaks Loose

“Try ‘whatever-the-fuck-we-can-scavenge’ in the clearance section of the dumpster.”

“Suits you.”

“Just like that?”

“You started the conversation with catty quips. I thought we were bantering.”

“Somewhere in there, it got personal. Go figure.”

“It’s absolutely personal. Or rather, it’s all about the persons of this town. Protecting their future.”

“That’s a hell of a justification for your flipping sides. Forgive me if I’m pleased to see it’s keeping you up at night.” Ora smirks, dragging her fingers under her eyes in a mockery of bags.

“We want the same thing.”

“I think we do, but we just aren’t willing to compromise everything we believe in and cut off the people we love to do it.”

“So you’re not willing to do whatever it takes. Noted.” I shrug, taking a seat on one of the couches, waving for them to sit across from me. Only Ora does, Alaya taking one of the other chairs as far from me as she can, conveniently in the corner to see the whole room. Tactical. Expected.

She winks at me as she plops down, giving me an appraising once-over and nodding approvingly.

Of course she would appreciate my pretense of power.

Or just my being a bitch in general.

Gavin stays by the door, his arms loose at his sides. Ready to grab his gun and pop Sing in the face at the first sign of danger, more like.

And Tell…

Where the hell did he go?

I resist the urge to look behind me.

Pouring myself a cup of steaming tea, I stir in sugar, waiting until I’ve finished placing my cup in my lap before looking up again. To find Ora flat out seething.

Glaring at me like she’d set me on fire with her eyes if she could.

“I didn’t believe it when they told me. I said, ;no way Hellena would ever turn her back on us.’” She eyes Sing with a mix of disdain and something else as he crosses to the other end of the room, putting himself in a place to see everyone else. “Nice sidepiece, by the way.”

As his back is turned, Ora flicks her eyes back to me once, raising one eyebrow just a fraction.

It’s a question.

And this bluster is for all of our sakes.

A cautionary measure to test whether I really am on Marco’s side, being forced to behave this way.

Or to see if I have a plan.

Alaya’s on her feet in a snap, circling Sing before he can take his place, getting way too close to him.

“Careful, get too close and he might bite,” I warn, not bothering to look. This is all a show.

“Mmm. Threaten me with a good time. Wanna take me prisoner, too?” Alaya snickers, backing off. Her eyes never leave the man, though.

And Gavin’s glare flashes, just for a second. Jealousy?

No. Probably just plain old pissed off.