Page 37 of Hell Breaks Loose

I take my time. Looks like we have a little bit of a hike ahead of us. The lot holds a few dozen cars, but it’s completely surrounded by trees.

“But then I wouldn’t have anything to do later. And I’d rather get back home in time for dinner.”

“What are you waiting for, then?” I snip, wincing as I try to grin.



“What about me?” Alaya quips.

“You get a pass for saving my ass.”

“That’s zero fun. All the work, none of the reward?”

“Fine. You’re a ten-foot pole of a pain in my ass.”

“Oh, my, didn’t know you were into pegging, Gav.” She darts out of my range as I take a swipe at her.

“There’s an old saying about square pegs and round holes,” I grumble. “Not the right fit.”

“Square is right. Not even willing to give it the old college try?”

My legs are screaming by the time we reach the top of the hill.

“You two are really stretching the innuendos, here.”

“That’s the spirit!” Ora giggles, and I almost palm my face.

Walked right into that one.

“See, you gotta lean into the puns,” Alaya continues, clearing branches out of our way.

“And don’t forget to clean between your buns!” Ora snaps.

“Wow. You two should take this act on the road. Far, far from here. And me.”

“You really think we got something?” Alaya winks.

“You’d make money hand over fist,” I tease.

“Hands, fists, I like where this is going…”

“I mean they’d pay to shut you up.”

“Boooo!” Both women shoulder past me, shaking the pine branches and raining needles down on me.

This must be what Tell feels like all the time, telling bad jokes.

I’m still spitting out greenery when I break through the trees, stopping at the top of a trail leading down into a valley. The air is so fresh. Cool.

And the view is spectacular.

“Welcome to Camp Clive!” Ora spreads her arms wide, waving over the spread of cabins down below. It’s an old ranch or retreat, with several newer structures popping up along the borders.

Alaya pouts. “I thought we settled on Fort Foxglove.”

“You just made that up! And it’s not any better than your other idea.”