He’s looking down at me, down the length of that sculpted nose, imperious.
Just like the day we met. Only this time, it riles something different in me.
“Say it,” he commands. I can feel him holding back, the swollen, drenched tip barely spreading me open. “Say. It.”
“Fuck me, Evan.”
I let my head tilt back slowly, my back arching. It's a moment that stands perfectly still in time as he threads his fingers through my hair, presses his other palm onto the small of my back.
He breathes me in, taking a long, slow inhale…
Before thrusting himself as deep as he can, filling me to the brim, stretching me to my limit, that perfect edge of pleasure and pain. His name reverberates against the walls when I scream.
He's enormous. He’s the only thing I can feel against every bit of me inside.
More than that, I feel him, his presence filling the room, my chest, my heart pounding a rhythm only for him. He lets me lie there for a moment, allowing me to adjust to him while I gasp for air, for life, for blood.
And he’s all of them. He’s water, and I’m dying of thirst.
My arms reach out, preparing, gripping the edge of the desk. The first thrust nearly knocks the wind out of me. The second brings me back to life, igniting every cell in my body with light,
He drives in once more, leaning over me, tugging back my hair to lick the rim of my ear.
“Let. Go.” And I know he doesn’t mean my grip on the table.
“Make me,” I grit out through my teeth, and I feel him laugh, sending shudders through me.
He drags himself out to the tip before driving back in, all the way to the hilt, his hips slapping against my ass.
Rising up over Tell, I reach for Gavin, pulling him around to my side, tugging his face near me. And claiming his full, luscious lips with mine, stroking his tongue in a dance all our own.
He flicks his tongue right back, sampling the inside of my lips, biting. Always taunting.
My head dips, kissing down his well muscled traps, down one collarbone and lower.
My tongue leaves a wet trails down his chest, rolling over those hills of sculpted chest, circling around the erect point of his nipples.
Right to where I want to be.
So that I can show him just how much I love him.
What he means to me.
How he pleases me.
And oh, goddess, does he ever.
One hand trails over my belly, a finger looping over my aching clit. With Tell feasting on me below, the dual stimulation coming from two different givers sets off explosions behind my eyes, flashes of succulent sensuality.
Filling my mouth with Gavin’s length just adds another layer to the mix.
It’s nonstop stimulation, ecstasy burrowing into my core, tingling rushes of electric bliss shooting from his finger through my apex. Slippery, delicious, tangy precum on my tongue. And a show just inches from my smoldering eyes as I watch Tell please himself to my unraveling.
I should be content to be so loved. But call me greedy.
I want more.
Reaching out with my free hand, I take over for Tell, pumping his shaft with eager strokes.