Page 172 of Hell Breaks Loose


On a whim, I punch in my birthday.

Nothing happens for a second.

Then a deep, hollow clunk quakes the floor, rattles through the walls.

And the cog shifts, rolling away. So. Fucking. Slowly.

By the time the entry is clear, Rachelle is nearly crawling out of her skin.

“Come on!” She shoves me forward as the lights stutter on, the same way they did out here.

I stumble into the dimness, looking around to find…


The shelves, the tables, the trunks, chests, and crates. All. Empty.

From wall to wall, it’s clear that not a single gold ingot, paper bill, or technological asset remains in the room. All except for a computer accenting the middle table of the large room.

“What is the meaning of this?” Rachelle hisses, whipping me around to face her. “You came down here already, didn’t you? You robbed me!”

Her slap takes me off guard, even though I see the fury warp her features.

“I didn’t take shit! How could I have? There must have been truckloads of stuff in here…”

Out of the corner of my eye, I see a flicker, hear a click.

The monitor blinks on.

And a face I haven’t seen except in photos for the past twenty years appears on the screen.

“To whom this may concern, and to whom may be standing at the threshold of this vault, feeling a bit confused about the state of the place…” He smirks at his wording, taking a breath.

“My name is Damon. And if you’re watching this video, you must have figured out some crazy shit about Sanctum Harbor. Now, on the other hand, if you are one of us, or affiliated with the Sinful, you’re likely wondering what the hell happened to the stockpile of wealth that you’ve heard so much about. Well, it’s gone.”

The video warbles a couple of times, Damon staring out from the digital display like he’s waiting for some sort of reply. Or he’s just giving us time to digest.

“You see, my sister, Rachelle Tyson, started killing off members of my organization years ago. When I figured that out, I knew we had to do something. Now, Rachelle, if you’re watching this, I just want you to know that I always knew. I knew that you were out for blood. That you felt slighted by Dad’s choice to pass the baton to me. Tough shit.

“Anyway, one by one, we dropped like flies. So I made a decision. Not to fill any of the seats. To let Rachelle run wild. That’s the problem with anonymity among the Seven. I really didn’t know who all of us were. Just that all communication would suddenly cease. So I couldn’t prevent their deaths.

“I finally broke the rules and reached out to one of the only Sinful left alive, Xavier Clive, and I revealed our identities. And we made a pact.”

The ache in my chest reminds me to keep breathing, glancing to the side. Rachelle is stock still, watching in horror as my father explains. It’s like watching a car crash.

I’m not even sure if she can hear him at this point.

But I listen on.

“Our pact was to end this, once and for all. To not pass on this cursed legacy to our kids. And Rachelle, you saw to it for us. We just disposed of the rest.

“Now all that remains is for me to disappear, a choice I did not come to very easily. To be fair, and to avoid sounding like a martyr, I’ll just say this in my defense. Stage four cancer is a shit way to die. So I’m going on my terms.

“If by some chance the person watching this is my daughter, Hellena, just know this. I love you. Always did. I have regrets, but none so great as the thought of your having to assume the burden of this responsibility. Live your life, Hemma. That’s what your mom always called you. And I know she wanted you to follow your dreams.

“Good luck, kiddo.” He grins, genuinely, sadness in his eyes. “With my death, the Sinful ends. Every account is liquidated, every asset is gone. Only you remain, Rachelle. And it’s only a matter of time before you fail and the people have no use for you.”