Halfway through the barrage of ecstasy barreling through my bones I find my voice, wailing my love for them as the final rise drops out beneath me, leaving me falling through open air.
Plummeting down the slide of sweet abandon.
Reveling in the sticky disaster of our lovemaking.
When the room stops spinning, I lick my fingers clean, tugging Gavin toward us as I stay perched on Tell’s hips, his still-hard cock throbbing deep inside me.
“You’re incredible, Lena,” he slurs in his sex-drunk stupor.
“I know… your fault.”
“Love,” Tell mumbles, already drifting.
Love is right.
Pure. Love.
When I drop back into sleep, I’m wrapped in safe, muscular arms. Fulfilled. Satiated.
And ready for whatever this fucked up world wants to throw at us next.
Acouple of hours south of Sanctum, Sing pulls into an airfield.
Leaving my lovers this morning was hard. Leaving my home and everyone I love seemed impossible. Especially with Rachelle on the hunt for us, Evan lost to us, puzzle pieces falling into place, and so much still left unanswered…
But by the time the flight lands somewhere in Idaho, I’m antsy. Excited.
Nervous as shit.
Fucking scared.
The drive to her new home does little to alleviate my anticipation. Not the least of my worries that this is taking too long. I need to get back. But not without answers.
Sing’s words temper my expectations, however.
“She isn’t the woman you remember, Hell,” he starts, keeping his eyes on the road.
When did everyone start calling me that?
Thank Ora Clive for that.
The fact that Sing feels comfortable enough to do so speaks volumes to our trust. To the time we spent behind the enemy lines of Marco’s control.
“Is she sick?” My mother was always hale in my youth. In good shape. I watched her wither some as things got harder. As Marco got meaner.
“In many ways. Her physical health has improved immensely over the past few months. The wounds go deep.”
I swallow, nodding to show I understand.
After several minutes he continues, “She may become agitated when she sees you. May behave… strangely. Or aggressively.”
“Abuse can do horrible things to your soul,” I whisper, blinking back tears.
“Are you sure you want this?”