Page 138 of Hell Breaks Loose

“Mmm…” I hear the moan, but it sounds strange.

My body reacts, aching to be touched despite the sticky mess that my dreams already unloaded onto my stomach, the sheets. I need more…

Until I look down to see a familiar face looking up at me.

Licking her lips and watching my body with hunger in her eyes.

The tension of lurid lust from a moment before tightens into a different flavor. Spasms of anxiety flicker down my nerves, chilling me instantly.

“Matron, what are you doing?”

“Just admiring my warrior’s prowess.” Her voice is gravelly, husky.

The Herald is not an ugly woman. Far from it. She’s pretty. Authoritative. Powerful.

And not at all the woman of my dreams. Even if I long to please her, to do her wishes.

Not this, though.

I pull away, sliding up to a seated position, my body betraying me by staying alert and at attention.

“Hmm, it seems you need relief, Angel.”

“I’m fine.”

“You’ll be finer if you let me help.”


“Don’t want to deny me, do you?”

A quiver trembles through me, making me ease back toward her. It would feel good, to let go. To have someone else take care of me…

I’m off the bed in a rush, stumbling and backing into the wall.

And she’s right there, steadying me with her hands on my chest, cupping my cheek, one hand drifting down my front, caressing my stomach, reaching for me.

The flimsy robe she’s wearing falls open, revealing her naked form, her full, firm breasts.

“Take me, Angel.” And her words mock my dreams, tempt me to give in and scrub the deep desires of my heart from my memory.

“I can’t.”

“Do not make me make you.” Her tone lowers, dangerous.

“Matron…” I grit out, warring within myself for control. “Order me to, and I will.”

Her eyes widen, then darken with fury.

“It seems it’s time for another dose.”

My heart falls into my stomach. She’s going to force herself on me. Force me to obey.

A tilt of her head changes her expression, and she sneers at me.

“No. I will not take you against your will. But I will make you come to me willingly. When you are so tired of fighting that you will beg, without the influence of Devotion. You’ll beg for me to have you, and I will fuck you until you can’t walk.”

Horror washes through me, banishing all thoughts of sexual nature from my mind.