Page 121 of Hell Breaks Loose

“That’s more like it!” Alaya whoops, snatching Ora’s hand and pulling her into a twirl. She’s looking annoyingly stunning as always, wearing a crop top and torn up jeans, her hair tousled like she just stepped out of an 80s music video.

But she’s earned her right to be here. And saved my ass too many times.

It’s frustrating as hell.

But nothing can ruin tonight for me.

Movement and nothing but good feelings take over as the night rolls on, song after song, dancing with the loves of my life, and generally just forgetting that the world exists outside of the twinkling lights hung up inside the court, the stars in the clear sky, and a moon that’s near full to add to the magic.

Sometime around midnight, I’m nestled in Gavin’s chest, my hands folded in front of me as we sway to something much more romantic than they should be playing. Not that I requested it. Nope.

Tell’s close by, talking softly with Grizz and Tomlin, probably comparing notes on some tech nonsense or other. Those three are cut from the same cloth.

Even so, Tell’s eyes never leave me, that soft, loving gaze that stole my heart months ago at a frat party. I like to pretend I can see the green in them, even in the dark of the fading party.

Glancing around casually, I spot Ora and Alaya in a corner, sipping their drinks and clearly flirting with one another.

It doesn’t bother me that they’re close.

I get it.

And I get how useful, helpful, and badass Alaya is. But it still irks me. Especially when they share some private joke and burst out laughing.

I am not jealous.


Alaya is still who she was to me in so many ways.

Not that I can talk.

Then Alaya steals a kiss from my best friend, and I desperately need a distraction. Tilting my head up toward Gavin, I nudge his perfectly sculpted jaw with my nose and his attention is instantly on my mouth.

He could make my legs give out with just a look.

But the kiss he lays on me has me quaking with need. How does he do that?

And of course, it only gets more deliciously distracting when Tell appears at my back, kissing my neck and massaging my shoulders.

“Ooh, that, right there,” I sigh, sagging back into him.

It’s only then that I realize how much my body hurts, from head to toe. That deep ache of stress, overexertion, and the insane ordeal we just went through.

“Right where?” Tell sings into my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

“Right… there,” I moan so softly to both of them as I slide one hand down Tell’s front and into his pants, the other down Gavin’s tipped abs beneath his shirt.

It’s no surprise, but so satisfying to find them both fully erect to my touch. In the dark with them pressed against me, the few remaining partygoers locked in their own little trysts, no one notices their chests heave with pleased groans as I stroke up the length of both titillating lengths.

A rush of arousal flushes between my legs at the thought of where I plan to put them later, and I squeeze a bit harder, pumping up and down, writhing against them, the song changing to a more enticing beat.

Turning my head back, Tell’s tongue finds mine, dancing into my mouth.

Gavin’s at my neck in a heartbeat, his teeth grazing along my skin.

Opening my eyes a fraction, I see the contagious sensations spread, couples laughing, kissing, getting more handsy.

The energy heightens, a palpable hum of electricity filling the space.