Page 115 of Hell Breaks Loose

She’s inches from my face now.

“Tell me what I want to know, Hellena. And maybe your friends get to live.”

“I will tell you exactly what I know,” I lead, noticing for the first time the necklace hanging around her neck, glinting red-gold in the light. “I know that you’re being manipulated by forces that aren’t even alive anymore. You’re sick. And I would help you if I could.”

She notices me looking down, reaching up to cover the necklace with one hand, tucking it into her shirt. At the same time, her expression changes, fading from the arrogant, domineering smile to something tired and grim.

“You won’t help.”

“Not with this. Because you would just do what they did. And I would rather see Sanctum burn than fall into Marco’s hands. Or yours.”

“Then you leave me no choice.”

With a wave of her hand, she turns away, stalking off.

And the horde swarms us, grabbing Tell, Gavin, Alaya. Too many to resist, even though they try.

As I stand there, watching my life torn away from me again.

As Evan lunges forward suddenly to grab me, shoving me to my knees.

“Ow! Evan, stop! You’re hurting me!”

But he doesn’t hear me.

Or care.

His stare stays on Rachelle’s departing form, heading for the steps of the mansion. At the top of the stairs, she turns, glowering down at me.

“Make her talk. By any means necessary. Start with pain. Then start killing them. Either they will break to save her, or she will break to save them.”

“Rachelle, please! I love you. You’re my family!”

“If you really loved me, you would join me. You would give me what I have fought and bled for my entire life.”

And then she’s gone, sweeping through the darkened doorway.


“Yeah, Lena?”

“I love you,” I grit out through clenched teeth, preparing for the worst as Evan’s grip tightens on the back of my neck. “Tell, you are my heart…”

“Stop it, Hella! Don’t talk like that!”

“Lena, I love you too, please?—”

“Alaya… I don’t like you.”

“Right back at you, Sis,” she huffs, clearly having taken a few hits to the mouth and face.

“But I trust you.” I tilt my head just enough to catch her eye. To see her gaze light up. To see her nod that she understands me.

“And Evan…”

His hand tethers into my hair, like it’s done so many times before. Only this time, it’s violent. Painful. Emotionless.

“Evan. I will never stop loving you. So I can’t let you do something that you’ll never forgive yourself for if you ever come back!” I lunge to my feet, agony searing through my skull against his grip, taking one, then another strike from his hands as he batters me.