Page 110 of Hell Breaks Loose

In an explosion of movement, he snatches it, rising, aiming right for Rachelle’s head.



From my hiding place, I watch the horror show unfold.

Every second that I don’t step in, sweep Hellena out of danger, feels like a knife in my gut. Twisting.


She’s up there, exposed and alone, going through the motions of an event that she should have chosen, that she should have planned and rejoiced in.

And shared with the people she loves. Getting married to me, or Tell, or…

I’m dumbstruck from the moment the dark-haired assailant storms onto the stage.

Especially when he saves Hellena from Marco.

When he stands there without blinking, without even looking at her.

How is he even alive?

But the dark circles under his eyes, the pallor of his skin, says it all.

He belongs to Rachelle, body and mind.

Unfortunately, the minute they take the stage, the whole party goes to shit. Over every wall, out of every bush and from around every corner, Ghosts swarm the place.

I’m glad I was already inside.

Thanks to Tell’s disguises and Sing conveniently overlooking our lack of credentials. Not sure what to think about that guy, yet.

And right on cue, Ora and the rest of the Block blast through the back wall of the estate, storming in.

Only instead of the original rescue plan, which involved grabbing Hellena and getting the fuck out of here, they’re playing defense against a horde of junkies.

While Marco’s men can’t decide who to attack first.

Half the time, they’re with us, and the next moment, they’re turning on our people.

Not that I blame them.

It’s not like we gave them any warning that we were coming.

Two bodies smash into me, and I take a knee, launching one over my head, slamming my elbow into the other’s face. Both go down, but two more take their place.

“Gav!” Tell hollers from my right, and I instinctively duck, feeling another body soar over my head.

A hand claps into my palm, dragging me to my feet, and we’re running toward the stage.

Only to be surrounded by a squad of Ghosts.

Squad is a generous term. More like a pack.

In a heartbeat, we’re engaged with way too many hostiles. There’s no way we’ll last against so many.

“Ideas?!” Tell shouts, bashing the few remaining teeth from a gaunt skull.