Ian sighed. “Two of my employees were attacked.”

“I know about that,” Snow said. “Jude was on the scene. I want to know if you’ve gotten further in the investigation.”

“As Rowe knows, we went out to confront one of Jagger’s old enforcers and that was a dead end. Sort of. Hollis got a new idea as we were talking to Ernie. Maybe the person after me and my restaurant is actually one of Jagger’s past kids.”

“Why wait all this time if that’s the case?” Lucas asked.

“Who knows?” Ian shrugged and cradled his wineglass between both hands. “Something must have set him off.”

“You have been in the news recently with that magazine spread, and the restaurant is doing really well. All of Cincinnati knows you’ve got a new restaurant opening and is dying to get in.” Rowe leaned forward, making the leather couch creak. “I can see jealousy being an instigator for all this. You have a lot going for you these days and as that brute said, a lot of those past kids ended up worse off.”

Ian’s heart clenched again at the thought of how much better he had it. “You guys are the reason my life is so good.”

“You’ve made your own life good, Ian,” Lucas said.

“But I wouldn’t have gotten the start without you three. I like to hope I would have made something of myself once out of Jagger’s clutches, but the truth is, I had help. The best kind of help. I love you all so much.”

“Don’t give him any more bourbon,” Snow drawled even as he gave Ian a grin.

Rowe reached over and ruffled his hair. “Back at ya, kid.”

“Not so much a kid anymore. I’m about to turn thirty.”

“You’re still a kid to us.” Rowe got up to get another drink.

Lucas leaned forward to rest his elbows on his knees. “Do you remember any kids who seemed jealous of you back then?”

Ian shook his head. “It could have been any of them. But I’ve been making a list of those I remember. I wasn’t around a lot of them—only during the parties.” He frowned at those memories.

Snow curled his lip and Ian knew he was remembering one as well. Snow had gotten into several fights that night when he’d realized what was going on.

“Come on, let’s take this to the dining room and eat. Andrei left us a big salad to go with it.” Ian stood up.

Lucas chuckled. “The man’s made it his mission to get me to eat salad every single day—even when he’s not here.”

“He loves you.” Ian walked into the kitchen and got out a big knife. He cut into the lasagna, serving it onto plates he’d stacked earlier on the counter. Rowe got down bowls for the salad, and Snow gathered the different salad dressings from the refrigerator. By the time they all sat down, Ian hoped the mood had improved. Talking about Jagger’s parties was enough to get them all down.

But Lucas wasn’t done with the conversation. “We should be able to track some of them if you can remember any names.”

“That’s just it, I can’t. I’ve been wracking my brain trying to remember, but a lot of that time brings up other memories. Ones I prefer not to revisit, you know?”

Snow scowled into his plate. “I hate thinking about that time, too.”

“But if it helps with what’s happening now…” Rowe pointed out as he forked a bite of food into his mouth. He chewed and swallowed, then followed it up with a gulp of bourbon. At the rate he was putting that away, he’d be face-planting again in no time.

Lucas must have been having similar thoughts, because he chuckled as he covered his salad with Italian dressing. He might complain about the salads, but he seemed to like them enough.

Ian tried his lasagna and smiled at the flavors. He’d changed up his sauce and he liked the improvement. He could taste the basil and garlic, and the pasta was perfectly cooked.

“Remember when you first moved into this place?” Snow asked. He picked up his drink and tilted it toward Lucas. “We thought you were crazy to buy it.”

“All the freaking windows,” Rowe muttered. “Still can’t believe a sniper didn’t take you out.”

A slow smile spread across Lucas’s lips. “Before Daci was born, Andrei spent a lot of time naked in front of those windows.”

“Awww…and me without my binoculars,” Snow mocked.

Rowe made a face at Lucas and Snow. “Seriously? He’s my brother and COO now. I don’t need that mental image.”

Ian snorted. “Hollis is the love of my life, and I can still admit that Andrei is smoking hot.”

“Mine,” Lucas said with a low growl, but it was softened with a playful smile before Lucas took a bite of lasagna.

“Regardless, I hate that you’re leaving it,” Snow said.

“We’ll still get together at the house, and you’ll all have keys.” Lucas paused and chuckled to himself. “Andrei said the man who made copies of the keys looked at him like he was insane when he said he needed eight copies.”