Something dinged and she pulled away from me. I stepped toward her, mind still befuddled enough from that kiss that it took me a second to remember that we were in an elevator. Laughing – probably at the expression on my face – Harlee backed through the open door, crooking her finger at me. I followed, catching her hand and pulling her down the hall.
“If there are cameras in the elevator, we just gave them a hell of a preview,” Harlee said, sticking her hand in my back pocket and squeezing my ass. “And I can’t wait to get to the main show.”
“If the kiss was any hint of what’s to come, neither can I.” I pulled my key out of my pocket.
“Shit!” She clapped her hand over her mouth as if she just realized something. “That was loud.” Her words were muffled behind her hand.
“Something wrong?” I asked as I tapped the key on the lock.
“Do you have condoms?” she asked. “I have some in my purse, but I don’t think they’re gonna fit. Not what I felt in the elevator.”
Heat flooded my face and I suddenly realized that we were still standing in the hall. And she was definitely not talking quietly.
I tugged her into the room after me and closed the door. As she took off her boots, I said, “Why don’t you take a seat on the couch? I believe there’s champagne in the bar.”
As impatient as I was to have her, I needed a minute to calm down or this would be over far too quickly. Besides, I had an idea. A couple minutes later, I joined her on the couch with two glasses of champagne. Not the best quality, but not the worst either, which was fine with me since that wasn’t really the point of the champagne.
No, I had something else in mind for that.
“Thank you.” She took the glass and took a sip, then laughed. “Bubbles.”
“First time you’ve had champagne?”
She shook her head, a shadow crossing her eyes, there and gone in a fleeting moment. “It’s just been a long time.”
She didn’t seem old enough for there to have been a ‘long time’ ago where she’d be old enough to have had alcohol, but perhaps that was why she’d seemed so troubled for a minute. Whatever it was, it was in a past that we agreed not to talk about and I simply leaned forward and kissed her. The electricity from the elevator came rushing back. I could practically hear it crackling.
She made a startled sound that quickly turned eager and reached for me, jostling her glass. A few drops of liquid spilled on my hand as she pulled back, laughing.
“Oops.” She looked at her hand. “Sorry about that.”
“Actually,” I took her glass and set both of our glasses on the coffee table, “You just beat me to it.”
“Beat you to what?” she asked as I caught her hand and raised it to my mouth. Keeping my eyes locked on hers, I slid her finger into my mouth. “Oh.”
The tang of salt from her skin and the sweet, fruity flavor of the champagne flowed over my taste buds as I licked the liquid from her finger. A shiver went through her, her irises darkening.
“My turn.” She grabbed the bottom of my shirt and yanked it over my head, hands greedy as she ran them over my torso, then shoved me back to lie down on the couch.
She grinned at me as she reached for her glass, holding my gaze as she tipped it, splashing the alcohol on my chest. The chill made me suck in a breath, and she laughed, leaning down to lick across my skin, chasing the droplets with her tongue.
“Fuck,” I groaned, my eyes closing. The wet heat of her mouth had me right back on the edge, the very reason I had the champagne in the first place. My cock pressed painfully against my zipper.
“Mmm. You taste good.”
I felt hands at my waist and my eyes flew open.
“Does all of you taste that good?” She tugged at my pants. “Let’s find out.”
“Isn’t it my turn?” I asked, reaching for her hands.
She swatted at me. “A gentleman would give a lady what she wants.”
“I never said I was a gentleman,” I pointed out.
“And I’m no lady.” The words had barely left her mouth before she had me in her hand and was wrapping her lips around me.
I let out a garbled yell that was either a curse or her name, but I didn’t know which. All I knew was that the hottest, sweetest mouth in the world was wrapped around my cock and it was all I could do to keep from coming.