As I knocked on Harlee’s door, I pushed thoughts of Brigh aside. I just wanted today to be about my friend and going on a date with a woman I really liked.

“Are you sure this is okay?” Harlee asked as she opened the door.

I took in the jean shorts and cute white shirt with little blue flowers on it. I didn’t know what it was called, but it had buttons, and the bottom part was tied, exposing just a hint of her mid-riff. Her hair was a tumble of gold and blue, and she’d painted both her toenails and fingernails to match her hair. Her sandals showed off her ankle tattoo. Desire twisted low in my gut.

If we were going anywhere but Alec’s birthday party, I would’ve said forget the plans and stay in so I could see how many ways I could pleasure her without removing a single article of clothing.

“You’re perfect,” I assured her before leaning down to give her a light kiss.


“Aye. Why would you think otherwise?” She gestured at me, and I looked down. I was wearing shorts and a collared shirt, nothing special.

After a minute, she took pity on my cluelessness. “You look like you stepped off the cover of GQ or whatever the Scottish version of that is. I look like I’m going to hang out at my buddy’s house for a barbeque.”

I reached out and took her hand. “If you could see the things I want to do to you in that outfit, you’d have no doubt how much I like it.” I smiled and bobbed my eyebrows. “Though you might also decide I’m a bit of a pervert.”

She flushed and laughed, the sound turning me on even more. “Let me grab my purse.”

The drive to Alec’s place was pleasant, with an undercurrent of something electric that held promise. Each time our skin touched, even the lightest graze, a shock went through me. It had been a week since we slept together, and the hunger I felt for her touch surprised me with its strength.

I found myself reaching for her, wanting even the simplest, most chaste touch, and I began to consider just how rude it would be for me to turn around and go back to her apartment or to my hotel room, spend a few hours exploring her body before finally going to the party.

I didn’t do it, of course, but I was tempted.

We arrived just as Tuesday was getting out of her car. If Harlee’s presence surprised her, she didn’t show it. She merely greeted us both with a smile and commented on how nice the day was. A bit of the tension went out of Harlee, either due to the other woman’s clear acceptance of Harlee as my date or because Tuesday also wore shorts and a casual short-sleeved blouse. I was grateful either way.

Before Tuesday could ring the doorbell, Evanne yanked it open and grabbed Tuesday in a huge hug.

“Evanne, do you remember me telling you about the nice woman who helped me pick out your birthday gifts?” Tuesday took a step back and turned so she could point to Harlee. “Her name’s Harlee Sumpter.”

“Thank you!” With all her usual enthusiasm, Evanne threw herself at Harlee. “I loved them!”

Harlee looked up at me, eyes wide. “Uh, you’re welcome.”

I was next in line for a hug, and then Evanne was off, shouting for Soleil. I stepped up next to Harlee and placed my hand on the small of her back, keeping it there as we followed Tuesday inside.

“Please tell me I’m not the only person who doesn’t know anyone else here,” Harlee whispered, a hint of teasing not quite enough to stop me from seeing how nervous she still was.

“Most of Alec’s family I know only through stories and pictures.” I managed to reassure her before Mr. and Mrs. McCrae came over to say hello.

After introducing her to Patrick and Theresa, who I had met before, we made our way over to Alec. I pointed out his younger brothers Brody and Eoin, both of whom had lovely blondes at their sides. Though I never met Eoin at all, and Brody only once, Alec shared with me the happenings of the past year, so I was able to tell Harlee that the women were sisters, with the elder of the two having just married Brody earlier this year, and the younger one due with her and Eoin’s first child in just a few weeks.

Surprising me with their attendance were the younger McCrae twins, Sean and Xander. The two were identical, but I’d spent enough time cheering for Tottenham Hotspur to be able to guess with some certainty as to which one was the football player.

“Football?” Harlee looked confused. “I’ve never heard of a football team with that name.”

She was adorable. “Aye. Apologies. You’re thinking of American football. Xander plays real football.” I gestured toward a soccer ball in a corner. “Alec might have lived here longer than he did in Scotland, but he still calls it football.”

As we stepped up next to Tuesday, she leaned over to say, “Don’t worry, Harlee, you’ll get used to the weird words they use for things.”

“Baylen, I’m glad you could come.” Alec clapped me on the shoulder. Surprise flickered in his eyes as he saw Harlee next to me, but he recovered quickly. “Good afternoon.”

“Happy birthday, Mr. McCrae.” Harlee’s smile was stiff.

I mentally cursed myself for not thinking how awkward it would be speaking to Alec when everyone else present would be using his given name.

“Outside of a business setting, call me Alec,” he said with a kind smile. “May I call you Harlee?”