I nodded. “Of course.”
“Nothing else?” She leaned into me, full breasts pushing against my chest.
If she wasn’t wearing my shirt, would I have been able to feel her nipples too? I had no doubt she could feel my own response to her. No amount of willpower would make my erection go away, not when she was right there, looking up at me with those smoky blue eyes. Not when I could still picture what her face looked like when she came.
I cupped the side of her face, and she closed her eyes, lips turning up in a soft smile. Running my thumb along her bottom lip, I tried to talk myself out of what I desperately wanted to do again.
“Kiss me.” She spoke so softly that I almost thought I imagined it. Then her eyes opened, and I saw the hunger in them. “Kiss me, Baylen. Please.”
With a groan, I bent my head and took her mouth. Eager, she parted her lips and let my tongue inside. She tasted of beer and chocolate and fresh rain. Her hands slid up my chest, and I buried my hands in her hair, lost in the scent and taste of her. The sensations of chilled palms and fingers on my overheated skin. The heavy weight of her wet hair.
There were so many reasons why this was wrong, but I didn’t have the strength to bow to them. Instead, I poured myself into a kiss that I shouldn’t have, but that I gratefully took.
I’d been cold only a couple minutes ago, but now I was so hot, I wouldn’t have been surprised if the rain was turning to steam the second it hit my skin. Every inch of me was flushed. And wet. Very wet.
I already knew the man could kiss, but all week I told myself to forget. His lips were soft, but they knew how to make demands. The sort of demands that made my knees weak and made me remember just how good his tongue had felt in other places. His hands slid down my back, cupped my ass, and pulled me even tighter to him. He was hard, and my stomach clenched at the memory of him inside me, all that thick goodness stretching me in all the right ways.
I wasn’t blind. I knew how attractive he was from the moment I first saw him. Hell, it was why I slept with him. But I worked hard from the moment Mr. McCrae gave me the account to see Baylen as more than the best lay I ever had. And when I couldn’t help picturing him naked, I told myself I was just admiring an attractive man, nothing more.
His teeth lightly scraped my bottom lip, and I moaned, wanting more. I wanted to drop to my knees right here and go down on him until he exploded in my mouth, find out if his cum tasted as sweet as champagne. Tear off his clothes and lick the rain off his skin the way I had with the alcohol that night. I wanted to ride him again until my thigh muscles couldn’t work anymore and then beg him to take me so hard that I’d feel him for days.
All of those sounded like wonderful ideas. But while I enjoyed a bit of risk with my sex from time to time, fucking here under the trees would make a muddy mess. We needed a bed.
Or at least a car.
And then I remembered that I hadn’t driven here.
And that he was a client.
A knock on my door jerked me out of my daydream slash memory to find the object of said daydream slash memory standing there.
My face burned, and I knew there was no way both Baylen and Ms. Flitton couldn’t see how red it was. I didn’t acknowledge it, though. While I knew they were coming, thanks to my wandering attention, they caught me by surprise, so I accepted my embarrassment and worked on keeping them from figuring out what caused it.
“Sorry, got lost in my thoughts for a minute there.” I smiled. “Come in, let me take a minute to tidy up.”
“Shouldn’t you have been working on our account?” Ms. Flitton asked as she sat down across from me. “Not staring off into space.”
I wanted to snap that I didn’t work for her, and that it was Baylen’s account, not hers, but I just smiled at her and then turned to Baylen as he sat in the other chair. His expression was completely blank, but I wasn’t offended. After all, we pretended that we hadn’t had sex. Twice. Pretending we didn’t kiss two days ago seemed to be the smart thing to do.
If I wasn’t interrupted a few moments ago, I would’ve eventually gotten to the point in the memory where we’d stopped kissing and groping. Where a clap of thunder had jarred us both back to reality.
We had an awkward moment, and then I said we probably shouldn’t be under trees if it was going to start lightning. We hurried back and were separated as people crowded under more practical shelters. Everything had become a bit of a blur after that, and the two of us didn’t see each other again until just now.
“Ms. Flitton, I believe we’re early and Ms. Sumpter is on her lunch.”
His tone was gentle, but the fact that he’d stuck up for me made my stomach flip. Seeing the scowl on Ms. Flitton’s face just made it all the better. Sure, it was probably petty, but she had been snippy with me all week.
He looked back at me. “Should we come back later?”
“I was just finishing up.” I shook my head as I packed up the container that had held my chicken and pecan salad. “Can I get either of you anything? Coffee? Tea? Water?”
“No, thank you,” Baylen said politely.