Page 65 of Played by Him


He’d chosen the right word when he described what it was like when the two of us came together. It was home. He was home.

The idea should have terrified me, but as he rocked against me, I couldn’t feel anything but the warmth of the feelings we’d confessed, the pleasure of how our bodies came together.

“J, J,” I whimpered. “I need more. Harder, please. More.”

“I’ve got you,” he said. He lowered his head and brushed his lips across mine. “I’ve got you, Rona, and I’m not going to lose you again.”

I reached up and wrapped my hand around the back of his neck, pulling him down for another kiss. Our tongues tangled together as he sat up, taking me with him. The new position changed the way we fit together, putting new and intense pressure on all sorts of wonderful places. Then his finger slid lower, between my cheeks, and I tore my mouth from his, cursing as he rubbed over that tight ring of muscle.

“Do you want my finger in there?” he asked as he fisted my hair, pulling my head back. “Will you come if my finger’s in your ass? Will that make you come, baby?”

My nails raked across his shoulders, hard enough to make him hiss, and his cock swelled even more inside me. His hips jerked upward, driving into me with the exact right amount of force to push me toward climax. Then the tip of his finger breached my ass, and I shattered. He followed a moment later, my name a strangled cry.

Before the strength returned to my legs, Jalen was up and in the bathroom. He returned with a washcloth and cleaned me up, not enough that I wouldn’t need another shower, but enough that I could relax for a bit.

Even though I’d felt that things with us were better, different, I was a bit surprised when he climbed back into bed and pulled us both under the covers. He reached out to me, pulling me close. I smiled at the way we still fit together, even when our bodies were no longer joined.

“Is it just me, or does this feel…right?” Jalen asked as he kissed the top of my head.

“It does,” I said, running my fingers over the arm around my waist. “We’re still going to have to work at things, you know?”

“I know.” He paused for a moment, then continued, “Do you remember the blindfold we used before?”

I looked over my shoulder at him. “Yes?”

The memory still made me flush.

His expression was serious as he reached up and ran his thumb across my bottom lip. “I want you to use it on me.”

He didn’t look away as I stared at him, wondering if I understood him correctly. Being blindfolded required trust, handing over control, and that was what he was offering me. His trust, his control.

Whatever I might have said was lost as the front door slammed open.

“Jalen! Where the hell are you?!”