Page 37 of Four of Hearts

“That’s a funny story,” Leo called out from the kitchen.

“It really is,” Bennett admitted with a chuckle. “Before I went on my trip, I went on a date with a woman I knew from college. We both had a good time, and she told me that if I were up for another date after my trip, I should call her and see if she was also still interested. That’s what I did a week after coming back to the States. We met up, and I found her sitting at a table with another woman, and Watson. She didn’t mention a double date, but it turned out to be the best date I ever had.” He grinned and looked over at Watson who had come to sit on the other couch.

I looked between them and slowly started to realize what he meant by that. A laugh escaped me, and the guys all chuckle. “So…neither of you ended up dating those women?”

“No, they dumped us. So we became friends. We bonded over our love for dancing and movies,” Watson explained.

I pursed my lips and looked at Bennett again. “I’d say that’s a good ending to that story.”

“Most definitely.”

Leo and Kline joined us once they cleaned up everything, and they brought slices of the cake I made. I was normally very confident in the things I baked, but for some reason, I felt nervous. I wanted them to like it. I wanted to add one more thing to their list of things that they like about me.

“Are those edible flowers?” Watson asked, inspecting the cake.

“Yes. It’s a blueberry-lemon cake, and I colored the frosting with blueberries, not with food coloring.” I wanted to point that out because most people disliked the taste of food coloring. I did too.

I watched them as they all took a bite, and I waited patiently for their reactions. They slowly turned their attention on me, and in unison, they started to nod and grin.

“It’s perfect,” Watson said.

“Just wonderful,” Bennett added.

“I love it, darling. It’s way better than any cake Leo has ever made,” Kline admitted with a smirk.

“Hey now…no need to be rude.”

I laughed and placed my hand on Leo’s thigh. “I think your chocolate cake was amazing. But I am proud of my baking.”

“You should be, baby. This cake is amazing,” he assured. “You’ll have to teach me.”

I smiled and nodded, thinking that was another great date idea.

For now, I like watching them enjoy seconds of my cake, and afterward, we spent the night playing games.


“She did not lie when she said she was good at this game,” Watson muttered as he stared at the Monopoly board on the coffee table.

I grinned at him, waiting for him to make a move. “Come on, you either sell those houses, or you give up. Either way…I already won.”

“She’s right, man. There’s no way out for you. You’re in a shitload of dept,” Kline told him.

They had already gone bankrupt because of me, and Watson was close too, but he wasn’t giving up.

“How about you lend me some money?”

I threw back my head and laughed. “No way! You can’t ask me that.”

“Just give up already, man,” Leo urged.

I looked at Watson, intensely staring him down until he finally gave in with a heavy sigh. “Fine, but I want a rematch soon.”

“All of us do,” Bennett joked. “Anyone want another beer?”

“I’ll take one. I need it,” Watson said, running his hand through his long hair.

“I’ll have another glass of water, please,” I told Bennett.