Page 87 of Four of Hearts

I wiped away a single tear and nodded. “Okay. I’ll let Mindy know.”

Kline rubbed my back and leaned in to kiss my cheek. “It’s still early. How about you go back to bed?”

I didn’t want to go sleep. I couldn’t. “I don’t think I can. I’d rather stay awake.”

“Okay. Watson and I will head over to the bar to check out the damage, and afterward, we’ll go to the police station. Leo and Ben will stay here with you.”

I looked at Kline and nodded. I tried my best to smile to let him know that I was okay. “Sounds good,” I whispered.

Kline and Watson left shortly after, and Leo made me curl up under a blanket on the couch while he made us tea.

Bennett turned on the TV and came to sit next to me, and I immediately cuddled up to his side, resting my head on his chest. He gently rubbed my arm while looking down at me with a soft expression. “Things will be fine, kitten. We have everything under control.”

I smiled and closed my eyes for a moment. My emotions were all over the place, but I didn’t want the negative ones take over. “I just can’t wrap my mind around it. Why would a person want to harm others like that?”

“That’s not something I can explain. All I can promise you is that we’ll keep you safe. Always.” He pressed a kiss to the top of my head and pulled me tighter to his side.

“If the police don’t help her, can you make sure she gets the help she needs?”

“Do you have any idea how big your heart is?” Leo asked as he came to sit on the other side of me. “That woman threatened you multiple times before, and you want to help her. Shit, that just makes me adore you even more.”

I pressed my lips together as I looked at him. “I just wonder why no one in her family or friend group has helped her yet, which makes me believe that she doesn’t have anyone. If I had those issues, I would want my loved ones to help me. She must be on her own.”

Bennett squeezed me to his side and looked at Leo with a gentle smile. “She’s right. We’ll make sure Vivian gets help. But right now, I want you to stop thinking about her.”

I nodded and took the cup of tea Leo handed me. “Can we watch a movie?”

“Of course.” Leo reached for the remote on the coffee table. “What’s your comfort movie?”

I pursed my lips and looked at him. “I have three.”

“Tell us.”

“Dirty Dancing, Burlesque, and Grease.”

Ben chuckled. “Those are all musicals.”

“And dance movies. They make me happy and put me in a good mood,” I told them.

“It’s clear now why you like us so much,” Leo said with a grin.

“All you need to do now is start singing during your shows, and it’ll be perfect.”

Ben laughed. “You don’t want to hear that.”

“Hey, speak for yourself. I can sing,” Leo stated, then he started belting out a song. He sounded like a broken record, but it made me laugh.

That was their goal after all, to make sure I was distracted from everything that went on last night. I would be forever grateful for them and for how happy they always made me.


It seemed like I did need more sleep because I had fallen asleep shortly after Leo put on Burlesque. I was woken up a couple hours later by the smell of something sweet. I sat up and looked to the kitchen, seeing Leo and Bennett both standing there while preparing breakfast.

“Good morning,” Leo said as he noticed me. “Hungry?”

I nodded and smiled at him. “Very. What time is it?”

“Ten. We would’ve woken you in a couple of minutes. You’ve slept a lot since last night, and we don’t want you to be unable to sleep tonight,” Bennett explained.