Leo said it right.
She was like a damn siren.
Just sitting there in that hot little outfit of hers, with her long, dark hair falling over her shoulders, and those intense eyes watching us all with that seductive gleam made her look like the most sensual woman I had ever seen.
She wasn’t even trying, and she had the four of us on our knees, silently begging for her attention.
It was up to us now to give her what we all wanted. And what she wanted.
We took the stage for our last dance of the night, and while I tried my hardest to focus on the whole crowd, I couldn’t help but look at Lola.
She was watching us with a gleam of admiration in her eyes, and her gaze kept wandering down our bodies, taking in the sweat running down our skin.
She looked like she was trying to keep it cool, as if us dancing half-naked didn’t affect her too much, but she was clearly fascinated.
The beat of the music fastened, and that was my cue to prepare to go down there and pull Lola up on stage.
I jumped off the stage, sliding through the middle of the first couple of tables, and giving the women around me flirtatious looks while they cheered for me.
I finally made it to the back of the bar, and when I turned toward Lola, she looked up at me wide-eyed. She had an idea of what was going to happen, and at first, I thought she would turn me down.
But when I held out my hand to her, she immediately slid hers into mine, letting me pull her up against me.
I placed her hand on my chest and wrapped my arm around her waist to press her body against mine. I looked down into her eyes, almost losing myself in that intense stare.
“Glad you came looking for us.”
Her eyes flashed with excitement and high expectations.
She was ready for this.
For us.
And we damn sure would not disappoint her.
She came willingly, and once she was sitting on the chair in the middle of the stage, we started to dance around her, giving her all the attention.
She looked amused, but I could tell that she was overwhelmed. Maybe not even because of us dancing almost naked for her, but because of all the eyes that were on her now.
Most women we brought on stage were unhinged and enjoyed every second of it. Some others got nervous and barely moved.
Lola was a mix of all that, and she was hard to read.
She still sat through it all, letting us give her the show of a lifetime.
We all followed our usual routines. All except Leo.
He decided to get closer, lean into her more, and he said some things to her only she could hear. Normally, we weren’t supposed to speak to the women, but Leo couldn’t hold back.
To be fair, all four of us had the urge to talk to her, but I wanted to talk to her off stage, and not while I gave her a damn lap dance.
I glared at Leo when he got too close again, and he rolled his eyes with a smug grin before turning away from Lola. The last dance was coming to an end, and after doing our last pose, showing off our sweaty bodies one last time, we left the stage.
Leaving Lola alone out there made my stomach twist, but even with the show ending, the show had to go on. We couldn’t make exceptions, not even for the woman we all had an immense crush on.
“Did she make it off stage?” Bennett asked, sounding worried.