Page 13 of Four of Hearts

“Good. Me too,” I said, truthfully.

I had a feeling that tonight would change my life.

Good things simply happened to me, and good karma was always on my side. I never harmed or hurt anyone, and my conscious was clear. I had never regretted anything in my life, simply because I only ever chose to do things that felt right.

I never said yes when I truly meant no, and I never let anyone pressure me into doing things I didn’t want to do. I kept my side of the street clean, just like the queen herself, Taylor Swift, said.

My goal wasn’t to talk to them or get their attention though. Tonight, all I wanted was to watch them dance, and have a good time with Willa.

The double doors opened automatically as we approached, and a man with slicked-back hair and a clean-shaven face welcomed us with a smile. “Ladies, welcome to The Hot Spot. May I see your tickets and IDs, please?”

“Of course.” I reached into my small purse and pulled out my phone where I had the tickets on, and after displaying them to him, I slid my ID out of the inner side pocket and held it out to him.

Willa did the same, and he shone his little light onto our cards to read our birthdays.

“Perfect, thank you. May I just say you look beautiful tonight. Please go ahead and walk right down this hall until you get to a red door. It will slide open automatically, and from there on, take a seat wherever you like.”

“Awesome, thank you!” Willa said, smiling up at him.

“You’re more than welcome. Enjoy the show.”

I thanked him and started to walk, but Willa kept standing there, still staring up at that guy. I stopped and turned, taking in the scene.

They were both holding each other’s gazes, and for some reason, it looked like they had done that many times before.

I was amused by what I was seeing, and if I weren’t mistaken, Willa just developed the biggest crush on that man.

“I’m Morris, by the way,” he told her, holding out his hand.

She bit her bottom lip and slid her hand in his. “I’m Willa. It’s nice to meet you, Morris.”

“I might just call you Angel. You look like one.”

I watched them stare into each other’s eyes, and while it was cute at first, it started to feel awkward. At least, for me it did.

I felt like the third wheel to whatever intimate moment they were having.

When I cleared my throat, they both turned their heads to look at me, and I raised a brow, grinning at them. “Hate to interrupt, but there’s super-hot strippers waiting in there. I really don’t want to miss the show.”

Willa pressed her lips together tightly as she looked back at Morris. “I don’t think I need to see those super-hot strippers now that I’ve seen you.”

Morris chuckled, and I rolled my eyes, laughing at her way too honest words. God, she was brave.

“Are you single?” Willa asked.

“I sure am.”

“Can I have your number then?”

I watched them exchange numbers, and before Willa continued to follow me down the hall, he leaned in to kiss Morris’s cheek. They gave each other one last longing look before Willa finally reached me, hooking her arm around mine.

“I think I just fell in love.”

“I could see that. You didn’t ask for his age,” I pointed out, knowing that Willa wasn’t much into older guys. Morris, though, did look a bit older.

“You’re right…but he didn’t look that old. Maybe…late thirties?”

I shrugged. “You’ll find out soon enough. You got his number.” I grinned at her.