Page 63 of My Demon Mate

Loathing replaces most of my fear as I slide closer to Raven. “You need not fear him anymore,” Raven tells me. I hate that he can feel my fear through our link, but it’s an honest emotion. “I will protect you. When you are ready, I will subdue him for you.”

“I’m ready now.”

Raven moves faster than I thought possible—one second he’s standing beside me, a comforting hand on the small of my back, the next, he’s across the room, grabbing Joey by the throat and shoving him against the wall opposite him. Joey’s eyes bug out of his head as raven squeezes his throat. Joey lashes out with his fists, trying to beat the strong grip Raven has on him. Raven’s hand is red and three knuckled, spanning the entire expanse of Joey’s throat. Raven’s claws dig into the soft skin of Joey’s neck, streaks of blood dripping down into his shirt collar.

Slowly, I walk over to where they’re standing, taking in the sight and reveling in it. It’s great to see Joey finally getting some of the treatment he gave me.

“You can let him go now.”

Raven does what I say, letting Joey fall in a heap at his feet. Joey coughs hard, curled in on himself as he tries to catch his breath. He brings a shaky hand to his neck, then draws his hand back, looking at the blood on his fingers.

I pull my foot back and kick Joey in the face, sending him flying back into the wall. He groans, the hand from his neck flying to his face. “That felt good,” I mutter, finally able to get a shot in with one of my biggest bullies.

Joey cries, holding his nose. “Who are you? Why are you in my house?” His voice comes out muffled and nasally. “I’m going to call the police.”

Bending down until I’m level with his face, I say, “The police won’t get here before I’m finished with you. It’s time you pay for what you did to me.”

Joey looks up at me, staring for a moment before recognition flashes in his eyes. “Piss Pants? Is that you? The fuck are you doing here?” My heart hammers in my chest hearing that name again for the first time in years. “Are you out of your fucking mind? I will beat your ass like I used to when we were kids! I will?—”

All traces of fear leave me when he threatens me. Raven is here with me. What could Joey possibly do to me that Raven won’t do worse to him?

With a shout, I slap Joey across the face hard enough to split his lips. He topples back, holding his mouth. “You won’t do anything to me. Not anymore.”

“That was years ago,” Joey says, eyeing me with disdain. “Can’t you let that shit go?”

Raven grabs Joey by the front of his bloody shirt, dragging him forward. Raven’s face shows the red and gold color of his skin, his horns making an appearance, though his body is still the same human size. Doesn’t matter his size, he’s still scary looking, and Joey screams.

With a growl, Raven balls up his large fist and punches Joey in the face three times in rapid succession. Lumps and bruises appear immediately, as well as blood pouring from his nose and mouth. Raven shakes Joey, making his head snap back on his spine as he groans. “Shut the fuck up,” he roars, slapping Joey across the face with an open palm. His claws leave gashes across Joey’s cheek, marring his visage. “You did not let shit go when you attacked and tormented Everest. You ridiculed him and teased him and bullied him for years. He will not let shit go.” Joey shrinks back from Raven as he speaks, trying to put distance between them, as well as mopping up the blood from his face with his shirt sleeve.

“Why me?” I ask Joey before he can say anything in his defense. “Why did you pick me to fuck with?”

He snarls, looking at me up and down. Even though his bruises, his face sets in a cruel mask. “Why not you?” he sneers. Raven slashes him across the face again for his snark, then drops him. Joey slides back, trying to get away from Raven.

I pull my lips in and nod. I knew his reasoning would be shit, and he didn’t disappoint. “You targeted me when I was abused at home,” I whisper to him. “My father was mistreating me and my mother, and you made school hell for me too. I wanted to kill myself more times than I can count. You were my worst nightmare.” I get down on my haunches, looking at his now terrified face as he glances at Raven with wide eyes. “Now I’ll be yours.”

Joey drags his eyes from Raven’s and stares at me for a few seconds. Comprehension dawns on him and his eyes peel wider as he shakes his head. “Don’t!” He holds his hands up as if to ward off a blow. “I’m sorry. So fucking sorry. I have money. I’ll pay you. I’ll give you every penny.”

“No,” I tell him. “I don’t want your money. I want your life. Nothing else will satisfy me. Your body at my feet will be a start at making amends for your torture.”

I stand and nod at Raven. He smiles at me, his teeth flashing against his red and gold skin, and I can’t help but smile back. God, he’s the best thing to ever happen to me.

“Rip his fucking head off,” I murmur.

“What?” Joey squeaks, sliding away from us to try to get away. He manages to get to his feet but trips before he can run too far. Then Raven is on him, putting him in a headlock. “What do you mean? No. No! I don’t want… I’m sorry, Everest.” It’s the first time I remember him saying my name instead of calling me Piss Pants. “Please. I’m begging you.”

Before he can say another word, Raven gets a good grip of the top of Joey’s head—it’s not hard since Raven’s hands are so big and bend at different angles than humans. He squeezes and twists it around as if he’s taking the top off a soda. Joey makes a strangled sound before Raven pulls his head away from the rest of his body, some of the bones of his spine still connected to his skull. He drops his body and throws his head across the room in disgust.

Raven kicks Joey’s body hard enough to send it clear across the room, roaring loud enough to shatter the windows around us. I look at him in all his glory, my heart almost beating out of my chest. If nothing else tells me he’s my mate, it’s how invested he’s been in getting my revenge. He let nothing stop him and did everything I asked, without question, just to make me happy. He is the one I will love and take care of and be there for. For an eternity, just as he’ll do the same for me.

“I fucking love you, Raven,” I blurt out, stepping over the large pool of blood and falling into Raven’s bloody arms. “I love you so much.”

He picks me up into his arms, hugging me impossibly tight. I allow him to squeeze me, not caring if I breath or not.

Raven says something quickly in his native language and I feel the air grow hot and whip around us. I keep my eyes shut tight, knowing what’s happening, giddiness flowing through me.

When the air calms, I open my eyes and see Raven’s father’s valley. I’m home. I’m back where I belong.

Leaning back, I give Raven a wet smile as tears leak from my eyes. “Thank you. Thank you so much. Raven, I’m free. Because of you.” I plant my lips softly on his, tears mixing with the taste of love on his lips.