Page 53 of My Demon Mate

Once we get out, we do exactly as Raven wants. The more I see of Xendail, the more I love it. Even though I’ve only been here for one full day, I feel better here than I ever have on Earth. I feel free, happy, and wanted. I love Xendail. Who would have thought I’d feel this way about a dimension of hell?

After Raven shows me the beautiful lake at the edge of Xendail I spotted yesterday, we head back home to lie around. I bask in the sunshine, smiling as I spin in a slow circle. Raven says it rains here like it does on Earth, but there are no natural disasters. The linen outfit I have on is perfect for this weather. Raven walks around without a shirt and a pair of jeans with a cut out for his tail. It’s different, walking beside a man—demon—with an extra appendage like that, but I like it.

Especially what he can do with it.

When we get to his treehouse, I see a demon sitting on his couch, their back to us. Raven chuckles, threading our fingers together. “I have something to tell you. Well, we have something to tell you. Promise you will not get mad.”

“Um … okay.” What do I have to be mad at my demon about? I would never get mad at Raven. He saved me. He’s one of my best friends.

We step into the house, and the demon stands from the couch. It’s a woman, and she’s really cute. Taller than me—I mean, all the demons are taller than me, male or female—and built thick with broad shoulders, though her curves are clearly feminine. She also looks slightly familiar, but I’m not sure why. I don’t know any demons besides Raven, Phoenix, and Beatrice, and this clearly isn’t Beatrice.

She smiles nervously at me, her hands at her side. “Hey, Ev.”

I look up at Raven then back at the woman—demon woman? “Do I know you?”

She nods, then closes her eyes. I blink and in the place of the demon is Danae. It takes a moment for my brain to click, and my mouth drops open. “You’re a demon?” Though I should have known—only Danae has ever called me Ev.

Danae looks unsure when she nods. “Yeah. I’m Raven’s cousin. His dad is my uncle.” She glances at Raven, then back at me. “Are you mad?”

“Mad?” I ask, rushing over to her. I throw my arms around her small waist, hugging her tight. “No, I’m not mad. I’m glad to see you.” I chuckle, shaking my head as I hold her at arm’s length. “I was wondering how I was going to tell you I was dating a demon. This makes it much easier.”

Her light laugh tickles my ears, and I smile at her. She steps back again, closes her eyes and takes on her demon form. “Yes, it does. I have to get back to Earth, but I wanted to tell you about me before I left. I figured showing you would be easier than trying to convince you. When you cross back over, let’s do lunch. I’ll tell you everything.”

“Of course.” I give her a hug, still feeling the love I felt from her hugs in her human form.

She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek and rushes out.

I watch her go, thinking it’s perfect my best friend is a demon. I’ll have to get the story on how this all came to be.

Raven wraps his arm around my shoulder. “Are you sure you are not mad?”

I nod, grinning up at him. “I’m sure. Though I should be. As many times as I’ve talked about Danae, you pretended like you didn’t know her.”

He nods, smiling. “I did. It was part of the plan. It was her idea to go to Earth to give you the push to summon me. She saw how much distress I experienced seeing you hurt but unable to cross over until you sent for me. I told her everything about you to make it easier. Even down to your strange tastes in food.”

I think back to Danae knowing how I ordered my sandwiches, even though it’s not something I ever shared with someone. That should have tipped me off that something was different about her.

“How can she cross over to Earth?”

“She really does have a mate,” he answers, pulling me over to the couch so we can talk. “She lives on Earth most of the time with him. She saw how your father was treating you, having followed you home once. She wanted him dead as much as you and I did, so she did what she could to get you directions to summon me.”

I smile, thankful I chose the right person as my best friend. Or did she choose me? Either way, I’m glad she’s in my life and helped me get to Raven.

“I love you, sweet demon of mine. You went through a lot to get to me.”

“And would go through even more to have you by my side.”

Tears brimming my eyes, I lean over and kiss him softly, glad that he’s in my life.



The past couple of days have been great. I loved walking around Xendail and listening to Raven as he talked about his home. I even gave him a blow job beside the lake he showed me. There were other demons there, swimming or sitting on blankets and eating. That didn’t matter to me. I wanted to taste Raven, so I did, taking him deep into my mouth until he shot his load down my throat. It was the first time I ever did anything like that, and I liked how it made me feel. When we got back home that night, he fucked me into the mattress, making me go hoarse from how much I screamed his name.

We’re walking hand in hand to Raven’s father’s back yard to get back to Earth when he stops and stiffens, his eyes drifting closed. A string of his native language leaves his lips in a rapid pace. When his eyes pop open, he sighs. “I have to stay here.”

Frowning up at him, I ask, “Why? What’s wrong?”