Page 43 of My Demon Mate

I place my mother’s urn on the mantle over the fire place, kissing my index and middle fingers and placing it on the surface of the urn. “I love you, mom.”

“What was her name?” Raven asks from beside me.


“That is a beautiful name.” Raven steps forward and places his hand on the urn. He whispers in his native tongue and the urn glows a bright red. It gives a jolt, then goes still.

When Raven steps back, I see the urn has an inscription it. “In loving memory of Lily Carver, mother of Everest Carver. Rest in peace,” I read aloud, my words tripping over a sob. I bury my face into his side, tears leaking from my eyes. “Thank you. That means the world to me.”

“Anything for you, baby.”

While I was packing my belongings at the trailer, I went into my father’s room and rifled through his shit. Eventually, I found a photo of my mother in the back of his dresser drawer that I tucked into my suitcase, wanting to have a memory of her that doesn’t include bruises. She was so beautiful. I took after her with my brown hair and deep brown eyes. Thank god. I would hate to look in the mirror and see Jack staring back at me.

I pull the picture out, ready to poise it beside the urn when a picture frame enters my field of vision. I smile, taking it from Raven’s hands. “Thank you.” I put the picture in the frame and smile at my mother. “She was beautiful, right?”

“She was.”

Turning around, I wrap my arms around his waist and rest my chin on his chest. “Where are you taking me?”

“Wherever you want to go.”

“A beach, please. I haven’t been to one in a while. It was my mom’s favorite place.”

Raven frames my face in his big hands and kisses me softly. “That sounds like a fine plan. Which do you want to go to?”

There are a few beach nearby, but I don’t want to be too close to home. No, not home. This place isn’t my home anymore. I don’t think it ever was.

“Clinbridge Cove?” It’s about two hours away, and really beautiful. Well, from what I remember about it. The last time I went, I think I was five. Almost twenty years ago.

He nods. “Let’s get packed. Unless you want to buy clothes when we get there.”

“No,” I say with a chuckle. “You’ve bought me enough. Let me wear those things first.”

“If you say so.” Raven slaps me on the ass and I jump. “Get packed so we can get on the road.”

With a light laugh, I bound up the stairs to prepare for my first trip to the beach in close to two decades.

The next morning, Raven and I take a walk along the beach, our bare feet sinking into the golden sand. It’s lovely out here. The sun is just peeking over the horizon, a blush of color fanning out over the gentle waves. Cool air drifts over my skin, goosebumps prickling over my flesh. I breathe in deeply, the salty sea air burrowing into my sinuses and clearing out all my toxic thoughts.

When we arrived last night, Raven had already rented us a villa a few dozen feet from the beach, a wooden walkway leading us to the warm sand. We didn’t do much last night but sleep, tired from our long day of violence and arson and crying. Raven wrapped me in his arms and whispered to me as I drifted off to sleep.

I look out at the rising sun, smiling as I think of a whole lot of nothing, letting my mind wander. It keeps landing on the same thing—Raven loves me. He said it and I know he meant it. Just as I meant it when I said it to him. Raven is my forever. My heart hammers in my chest as I replay the words over and over in my head.

Being with him is the best thing to ever happen to me. Not because he’s killing those that hurt me or because he got me out of that shitty trailer, but because he wants me. He’s not stuck with me or passing the time with me. He wants me for me. I would think it was because I was promised to him, but it’s more than that. His actions and how he treats me shows me that. I just hope I’m doing the same for him.

Water laps over our feet, the cold temperature shocking my senses, but it’s not entirely unpleasant. I giggle as the foam rolls over my toes. “This is amazing.” I face the sunrise and sigh. Raven stands behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and rests his chin on my shoulder. “Thank you for bringing me.”

“How are you, Everest? I can read your emotions, so I know you’re not unhappy. But you’re still hurting. Talk to me, baby.”

His deep, hypnotic voice sends a shiver down my spine. God, what did I do to deserve such a caring and sweet man—demon? Whatever it was, I want to do it again and again to keep him in my life.

I exhale a long breath, holding on to his wrists. “I’m still sad. My mother is dead. She was buried in my backyard, for fuck’s sake. I thought, against the odds, she was still out there. I liked the idea of one of us getting free of Jack, even if it wasn’t me.” With a heavy sigh, I shake my head. “In a way, she did get away. I just hope there’s an afterlife where she can enjoy her freedom.”

“I am so sorry, baby.”

“Thank you. Other than that, I’m good. Jack is dead. Mitch is dead. Half the people that made my life terrible are dead.”

“Is there anything I can do?”