“As am I. I will kill him for you, I promise,” Raven says through our mental link.
I sigh in relief. The comforting voice of my demon makes me smile, and I know things will be okay. He promised he’d kill them all for me. I just have to wait. All I have to do is tell him how I want it done.
“I want to watch,” I whisper back to Raven. I feel his approval and smile again.
Danae and I head to the break room so I can clock in and put on my apron. Once I have the garment in my hand, I duck my head and say, “Thank you. For standing up to Jack for me.”
She shrugs nonchalantly, like what she did was no big deal. “No problem, Ev.”
“You should get back to your tables,” I tell her, not wanting her to get in trouble.
She waves a hand. “They can wait. How are you? Are you somewhere safe?”
I nod, smiling so wide my cheeks hurt, forgetting about the shit show Jack just put on in front of everyone. “Yeah. I’m with my boyfriend. He took me away from the abuse. He saved me from the bullshit my father—Jack—put me through.”
Gasping, Danae grabs my arm. “Did you … did you do what I said?”
“Yes. And my Raven showed up for me.”
Something crosses Danae’s face, but I can’t pin it down. It almost looks smug, but what would she have to be smug about? “I’m glad you’re safe. Maybe you shouldn’t?—”
She’s cut off by Mitch barreling into the room. He stops short when he sees Danae. “Hey, I didn’t know you were still here.” Mitch softens his voice when he speaks to Danae, dragging a lecherous gaze down her body. I grunt in disgust at his obvious ogling.
With narrowed eyes, Mitch looks at me. “Clock in and get to your tables. I’m not paying you to chat.” He storms out, probably angry he couldn’t tear into me more. I’m sure if Danae wasn’t in here, he would have tried to bully me before he left me alone.
Shaking her head, Danae removes her apron. “Looks like my shift is over. Someone else can take my tables. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
I nod and put my apron on and clock in. She gives me a quick kiss on the cheek, then wipes her lipstick off before breezing out.
Mentally preparing for my shift, I walk to the front and go to my section to take orders. Sheriff Drake is sitting at one of my tables, and I inwardly groan. It’s almost like he only sits in my section so he can give me shit. He usually comes in during lunch, so I thought I would miss him today.
With a jolt, I realize that’s exactly what it is. He wants to talk down to me without interference—though that doesn’t matter because he’s the sheriff. What could anyone do to him? It’s a different story for me. He knows if I lose my cool, I’ll be fired. The sheriff has been doing this shit on purpose for years, and I’m only just now realizing it.
I swallow past a lump in my throat. I really don’t know why the sheriff hates me, other than I’m gay. The bigoted people around this city will always look down on me for it, even though it in no way affects them. For the most part, no one outwardly says anything to me. But Sheriff Drake makes no qualms about telling me how he feels.
Steeling myself, I walk over to his table, pen poised over my order pad. “What can I get for you today?”
“If he says something I do not like, I will rip his tongue from his mouth.”
I grin, now loving the intrusive thoughts that happen to be Raven.
The sheriff doesn’t like that. “Stop smiling at me like that. Your kind ain’t my type. Fucking disgusting.”
Raven’s voice sounds delighted in my head, and I welcome it. “Ripping his tongue out, it is.”
“When his time comes, please do. I’d like to see that.”
Hiding my smile, I ask again, “What can I get for you today?”
Sheriff Drake grunts and rattles off his order—the same order he always makes. I’m not surprised at all.
I write it down anyway and start to walk away, but the sheriff’s icy voice stops me. “I heard your father was in here earlier, and you knocked him around. If he makes a report, I will haul your ass in and throw you in lock up. Won’t allow you around the other men we round up though, not with your deviance.”
I grit my teeth and march away, slamming his order on the counter. Mitch snarls something at me, but I keep walking, heading out the back door. I push it open, stepping into the alley and pulling in several deep breaths, trying to keep my anger under control. It seems like with Raven in my life, all my true feelings are bubbling to the surface.
I’m never angry. Usually, if I get upset, it’s dampened quickly, fear overriding the emotion. But now that I know I have Raven and no one can touch me when he’s around, anger sings through my veins. If I had the strength, I would snap Sheriff Drake’s fucking neck and blow this town. Well, after I killed my dad. Then I’d leave and never look back.
It takes a bit longer to tamp my anger down than I thought it would, but after many long minutes, I’m finally on an even keel. Mainly because Raven and I talk back and forth through our connection. He calms me down, letting me know that he will end all these men and all I have to do is bide my time. He tells me he’ll take me away from this small town as soon as I get my revenge, and I take comfort in that. It’s the only thing that has me going back to finish my shift.