Page 45 of My Demon Mate

“I believe you.” We’re quiet for a moment. “Guess we’ll have to put off going to Xendail for the next few days.”

This time, Raven sighs. “We can leave right after you are done at the police station. There is no need to wait if you do not want to.”

“I don’t,” I say quickly. “I want to go to Xendail. I want to see your home.”

Raven kisses my hair and I smile. “And I cannot wait to show it to you. I think you will like it.”

“If it’s half as nice as you say it is, I’m sure I will.” I look up at him with a small smile. “I really want to see your treehouse.”

His light chuckle fills me with more joy than I can describe. “Yes, my treehouse.” He tips my chin up and kisses me gently. “I cannot wait to see you in my bed.”

I shiver, my cock growing hard in my swim trunks. The loose material does nothing to hide my desire. “Fuck, Raven. Don’t tease me.”

He laughs, kissing me once more. “I will be good until we get back to our villa.”

I smile, turning back to the water after I rearrange my cock in my pants. My hands trace his strong, hairy legs, feeling them twitch every now and then.

Sitting up, I turn to him with a smile. “What do you think about going wakeboarding before we leave?”

Raven’s answering smile is beautiful. “Now?”

I get up from our chair, holding my hands out for him. He grabs onto them, heaving himself up as well. “Yeah, come on. It’ll be fun.”



Our last day at the beach was great. We found a company that took us out on their boat so Raven could wakeboard. For someone that’s never done it before, Raven was a natural, hopping over the small waves and doing a few flips. It’s probably more to do with him being a demon than anything else.

We had dinner, Raven taking me to a swanky restaurant that didn’t have prices beside their menu items, so I knew it was expensive. The food was phenomenal, and Raven and I had an amazing time.

But the next day, we had to face reality that we were about to be questioned about a murder. Raven said there was nothing to worry about and I believe him, but I’m not sure how much I’ll be under scrutiny at the police station.

After our shower, I stand in front of the mirror, meeting his eyes through the reflection. Raven wraps his arms around me, resting his chin on my shoulder. “What is wrong, baby?”

“Everything. Not you and me,” I rush to say so he doesn’t get the wrong idea. “Everything else. My life was shit and no one helped me. Now that my biggest tormentor is dead, I have to go back and answer questions about him.” I sigh, shaking my head. “It makes my head all jumbled. I’m sure you can feel it.”

He nods against my shoulder. “Yes, I can. What do you need, baby?”

“Just want to get this over with so we can go to Xendail. The sooner we leave Earth, the better.” I chuckle as he raises an eyebrow at me. “Is it weird that a human wants to get away from Earth?”

“Just a bit.” He kisses my neck, then takes the towel from my hand to dry me off. “But I like that you are excited to see Xendail.”

With one last kiss to my temple, Raven leaves me alone to get dressed while he packs our things. By the time I’m finished, Raven has our bags packed and we’re ready to go. Our bags are loaded in the car, and we’re heading back to Plainsdale in no time.

When we pull up to the police station and Raven puts the car in park, I ask, “Can you sit in with me?”

“I am not leaving your side,” he assures me. “You do not have to worry.”

He gives me a quick kiss and gets out of the car, rounding the hood to open my door for me. Raven rests a hand on the small of my back, and we walk towards the shitty building.

The police department is an ugly decrepit building, probably over seventy years old, when this kind of construction was the height of architecture. Its exterior is rundown, the air of neglect hanging heavy. The drab gray color gives it a depressive feel—that tracks since nothing good happens in this place.

Inside isn’t much better. It’s small and dingy, the dented and scuffed linoleum floor giving it an unkempt appearance. The wall paper—seriously, it still has wall paper—is peeling in the corners, showing the dull yellow walls behind it. Several of the lights flicker, but no one can be fucked enough to change them, apparently. Across from me, there is a room with a large window on the side, an office for the sheriff and what they call the drunk tank. I remember a few times coming in to pick up my father, watching him piss in the toilet that’s bolted to the wall. This place is fucking miserable.

Officer Shade looks up at us from behind the desk, almost perking up at someone other than the sheriff or another of his colleagues entering. Plainsdale is the worst city for excitement, that’s for sure. Maybe two murders in a few days will perk them all up.

When he recognizes me, Officer Shade raises an eyebrow and sneers at me, though it drops when he locks eyes with Raven. It’s obvious whatever the sheriff has to say about me, they all agree with. Not that I care. Their opinions don’t mean shit.