Page 45 of Pucking Vamps

We arrive in Munich just before noon. A quick lunch and we are headed to Veltz Veste, which is about four hours away. Tucked in the Alps, it’s a fortress-like castle few humans are even aware exists, its lush grounds sprawling deep into the mountains for miles. A shimmering barrier that’s invisible to the human eye surrounds it, ensuring it remains hidden unless its guardian wishes otherwise.

My Aunt lives at the castle a couple of months every year, throwing balls and events and sipping blood in the company of European nobility. I’ve met most of them, but no lady or lord has ever piqued my interest despite their attempts to charm me. I’m sure half of them have been put up to it by her, but the others are either after status or wish to combine the gifts of our bloodlines.

Neither is frowned upon. I just have no interest in such political moves. Besides, as science progresses, so do the ways to continue and preserve the purity of a bloodline without the need for old-fashioned coupling.

“Whoa. This place is sick.” Hayden guffaws at the turrets and stained-glass towers of the gothic castle when we get out of the car. “It looks like a real castle. I’ve never seen one before.”

I study the building, its shape and façade not particularly impressive to me. Then again, having lived with my aunt for most of my teenager years, I am used to such style. My own mansion is loosely designed to resemble it.

“I think you will appreciate the interior as well. It’s very traditional,” I muse, guiding him up the bifurcated staircase with my hand resting at the small of his back while servants handle the single suitcase we brought. We won’t be staying long, so there was no need to overpack.

“Do they have, like, those preserved deer heads? You know, the creepy and weird ones. And statues. And pictures of all the family members. Kind of how you have the landscapes in your entry hall, but less tasteful.”

“Taxidermy? They do. I believe our guest room has a wolf one.”

“Of course it has a wolf one.” He snorts, skipping up the stairs while still facing me. “A deer would be way too uncool and not broody enough for Leander Adetu’s room.”

“I agree. Though my nephew would never confess to such a thing,” my aunt says and laughs. She’s at the top of the stairs, leaning in the doorway as a royal blue gown billows around her.

Hayden jumps, his heart doing a startled skip in his chest. Flushing a lovely red, he whips his head at my aunt and properly faces forward. His hand squeezes the banister, his breathing a little elevated. But he recuperates, at least externally, and offers her a slightly awkward but still charming smile.

“Ah. Did I startle you? My apologies,” Auntie says, dipping her pearls-adorned head in a greeting and spreading her arms wide. “Welcome to Veltz Veste. I’m Andrea Adetu. And you are…?”

She knows exactly who Hayden is, Montgomery would’ve made sure of that. But I decide we’ll play along regardless.

Walking up to Hayden, who’s now reached the landing, I coil my arm around his waist and pull him toward me. His firm body molds to mine in a sideways hug, the contact stirring heat in my gut and pleasant fluttering in my chest.

“This is Hayden Johnson. My companion and partner.”

Hayden’s heart beats faster, the frantic vibrations flowing from his body into mine. I want to soothe it, the urge instinctual like the need to suddenly taste him. His scent sharpens with his agitation, the want and desire he seems to possess for me so desperate I can’t get enough of them.

Auntie’s eyes glaze over a little. I know she can feel this silent declaration Hayden professes that likely matches my own. Triumph washes over me, but it doesn’t last as long as I expect it to, diluted by a strange but not unpleasant feeling of wonder.

Is Hayden doing this knowingly? Channeling attraction and yearning toward me because he knows my aunt can sense it? Or… A sweet hum spreads through my insides, turning them to almost mush. Or is he unaware of that? Is his reaction genuine? Something he has no control over?

A group of vampires pass by us, heads bobbing in greeting as their eyes linger on the human at my side. Their green gazes intensify and their nostrils flare on deep inhales as they too seem to catch a whiff of Hayden’s titillating scent.

I pull him closer, my fingers digging into his side. His pretty eyes bounce from my aunt to me, dark and a little confused.

“It is a pleasure to meet you, Hayden,” Auntie says, not hiding her curiosity as she roams Hayden from head to toe. She approaches us and pats me on the shoulder, a conceited smile tugging at her lips when her fingers stroke the earring adorning Hayden’s ear. “You look lovely.”

“Um, thank you, Andrea. You do too,” Hayden tosses with a nod at her blue ensemble. “I love the golden accents on your corset. They make your eyes pop.”

Pleased, my aunt steps to the side, letting us through. “They do, don’t they? I had them embroidered last minute, but I do think the tailor did a splendid job.”

“Terrorizing the servants again, Auntie? You’ll give them a heart attack,” I pitch in, proud at the small talk Hayden so expertly handles.

“No, no such thing. And I made sure any stress induced was compensated generously.” She claps both hands, the sound echoing off the stone walls around us. “Anyhow, dear nephew. I have more guests to welcome. I will see you in an hour at the banquet hall. Please make sure to get settled and arrive promptly. There are many who wish to meet you.”

I nod, knowing that a simple introduction to Hayden won’t be enough to deter her from marrying me off. But she will come around before the night is over, there is no question about it.

“Of course,” I agree, rubbing circular patterns along Hayden’s flank to ease off some of the tension from his body as she walks away.

Once we are on our own, he turns to me. “Your aunt has your eyes.”

Humming, I guide him inside and up another set of grand stairs, the wall along their side riddled with portraits of vampire nobles and candles in sconces. “Every pureblood from the Adetu Clan does. There are subtle differences, if you know to look for them.”

“Oh yeah! The glow of hers had a hint of gold in it. Yours is greener, with a bit of blue.” Oh, he noticed something like that by himself? Satisfaction spears through me, the need to have him mounting.