Page 33 of Pucking Vamps

We enter an opulent dining room with a long table adorned with a lace cover. Candles burn in a chandelier above it and fragrant flowers decorate the space in pots and vases of various sizes.

“If memory serves right, you were the one begging me to give you my ‘monster cock’, Hayden, not the other way around.” To make a point, I knead one of his ass cheeks.

He gasps, mock-offended, but doesn’t shake me off as I tease a finger along his crease. “No such thing. You must’ve imagined it.” He also gives me a squeeze through my pants, winking at Vivian when the vampire’s olive-green eyes narrow in mirth.

“You two do seem rather compatible,” she licks her blood-red lips. “I would love a chance to see how much if you are ever inclined to let me.”

I can feel the harsh breath Hayden tries to hide, his stifled excitement stirring my blood and making me wish I’d had him earlier in the car. But the week we spent apart, as well as dragging out my desire tonight, will only make it more intense when we finally indulge in each other.

We sit around the table and Vivian’s two partners join us. Belle is about her age, but Karl is in his 200s. They are both curious about Hayden, asking him questions about his life. He’s more than happy to oblige and immediately jumps into talking about hockey, waving his arms around and raising his voice as if he can’t help himself.

It’s mesmerizing watching him, twice so now that I know what he’s talking about. His passion for the sport pours out of his every fiber, evident in the excited tone of his voice and his sun-like smile. I’ve never had much interest in hockey prior to meeting him, but as he and Vivian discuss wings and offlines and faceoffs, I find myself engrossed. Wanting to participate even as more of our mutual friends trickle into the room and try to engage in conversation with me.

“So this Park, the one that got you in trouble. He’s the right wing?” I toss in as the name comes up. It’s familiar from Hayden’s sulking rants.

“Yep. And Nick is center.” He perches one eyebrow, tapping his fingers against his chin. “I thought you weren’t particularly interested in the game, though?”

“I didn’t have a reason to be.” Reaching out, I brush my thumb along his full lips. “Now I do. And I’d love to see you on the ice.”

“Vivian,” Hayden clips. “Where are your spare bedrooms?”

My friend’s laughter roars, grabbing everyone’s attention. I fight to stifle down a smile, but I fail the moment Hayden’s enchanting eyes meet mine.

“Did you mean that?” he whispers, while Vivian gives the other vampires a rundown of how smoothly I can flirt with my human boyfriend. “About watching me play?”

I’d not realized I’d said it until it was out, but it’s true all the same. Truer than if I had planned to say it even. “I did.”

I can see how much he loves hockey. Watching him channel that passion on the ice, use it and subdue it and make it work in his favor would be nothing short of a delight. An experience, probably as potent as having him in my bed is.

He chews on his lip, suddenly nervous. “Okay. Well. The charity match. I know it’s after the ball and thus after our arrangement ends, but if you were serious, you can come cheer for me, maybe? I’ve never had anyone come to a game specifically for me and…” He looks away first, tracing the edge of the table with his two fingers. “It would be nice. I think.”

What a silly thing to ask. But so very Hayden. I open my mouth to give him my reply, but he halts me with a finger.

“You don’t have to decide now. It’s like two and a half months away. That’s a long time after we… So, just think about it, okay? No hard feelings if you decide it’s too much trouble.”

I envelop his digit with my tongue, regaining the attention of his gaze. “Okay. I’ll think about it.”

“Oooh, things are getting heated over there! Tsk, tsk! We can’t have that! We are yet to even play a round of cards!” Belle shoves her lithe form between our two chairs and plops a stack of cards on the table.

“I could go for a round or two,” I agree, needing the distraction so I don’t end up feasting on Hayden sprawled on the dining table.

“Blackjack? Poker? What are you in the mood for? The loser handles the logistics of our next trip to Europe!” she entices the rest, earning herself a round of cheers and claps.

I groan. Never mind. If the loser has to handle trips, I’m not interested.

Hayden perks up. “Wait, what? Why are you the only one not onboard with this incredible idea? And even if you lose, organizing a trip to Europe sounds like lots of fun.”

He’s adorably clueless.

I shoo Belle away, pick my wine glass along with the deck of cards and herd Hayden into the parlor where the rest are already setting up around the coffee table. “It isn’t when you are trying to coordinate the very picky preferences of a dozen vampires.”

We sit where the rest have designated for us and I shuffle the cards, handing them to Belle, who will be tonight’s dealer. She parts them in the middle and shuffles them again, then gives each participant their hand.

“Ah. Yeah, I can see how you might struggle with that,” Hayden muses, humming as he studies the cards we’ve been dealt. He’s sitting between my legs, his fingers tracing absentminded circles along my thigh and arm like he can’t help himself but touch me.

It pleases me greatly, so much so I can’t help but lean in and suck on the skin of his neck as I look around the table. The other pairs are examining their own cards and likely coming up with a strategy. I’m not one to lose. I hate it, in fact. But I am also not particularly gifted when it comes to card games.

“And what do you mean by that, Hayden?” I let my voice dip low, relishing the shudder my human companion fails to suppress.