Page 20 of Pucking Vamps

He’s my human, according to the impulsive declaration I made earlier. Part of me, I have to admit, does like how it sounds.

Thomas is a menace despite his angelic appearance, a fiend with insatiable libido that will suck the soul out of you through your dick. The Kreuzberg Clan, which he belongs to, is believed by some to have mingled with spawns of Lust at some point after they came to America, but that’s never been proven. Besides, other supernaturals stay within their groups like we do, rarely interacting with us or those not belonging to their kind. It’s an unwritten rule, there to keep the balance intact and aggression low, though once a year four representatives of every species meet in an undisclosed location to catch each other up.

“Thomas, I advise you stop,” I say, pouring authority into my voice.

The little devil’s grin stretches past what the human face can comfortably accommodate. “Ah, but he smells so good.” Leaning in, he traces Hayden’s jaw with two fingers. “I bet you taste just as nice, too. Have you ever been part of an orgy? My friends will gobble you right up. I can arrange it. All the cock and pussy you can eat.”

“Thomas,” I growl in warning, the muscles in my forearms flexing as my claws extend without my input. “Leave him be.”

One thing to note about us vampires is that we are territorial. Protective and possessive of what or whom we own. Not that I own Hayden, I do realize that, but it still rubs me the wrong way that Thomas is trying to get in the human’s pants when I’ve already staked a claim. Even if it’s a fake one. It’s disrespectful without an invitation from me first, even if he outranks me.

Besides, he is right—Hayden is delicious. Addictively so. His little rebellion today only makes me want to get another taste of him all the more, to feed him my cock so I can etch into my memory those lovely cries of pleasure as his body takes from me what it needs.

Thomas seems intent on ignoring me again despite my dangerous tone, his fingers moving on to Hayden’s lips. The violent side of me doesn’t like this, roaring to get free.

“Thomas, I said ge—”

Hayden’s hand shoots up, grabbing Thomas’ wrist. “Twinks aren’t really my type,” he says in a slightly trembling voice as his eyes flick to mine. “I like big guys that can manhandle me in the bedroom.”

Thomas’ laughter rings around the chamber like chiming bells. “Oh, I can manhandle you just fine, baby, trust me.”

Hayden squeezes the vampire’s wrist tighter, which makes a wondrous expression displace the sexy and barely human smirk that’s gracing Thomas’ cherub face. “I’m with Leander. He’s 100% my type and you aren’t. But I’m sure some of the guys on the team”—he grins and it looks downright evil in the most enticing way—“will kill for a chance to join your orgies. Like Park. Yep, Anthony Park will be sooooo up for it. He just looooves cock, but pretends otherwise. And he’s obsessed with twinks like you. Especially the dommy type. Do you like spanking? I bet he’d love to get spanked by you. I should introduce you two.”

Thomas’ smile settles into something less nightmare fuel and more genuinely amused. A subtle frown scrunches his smooth forehead. “Leander, your human is strange. And he talks a lot. I’m getting a headache.”

Shifting into a crow, Thomas flies off to wherever he came from. I follow him with my eyes and then watch the rest of the vampires as they suck out the last of the blood from the woman. The buckets we collected from her and the other four sickly humans we got from the same hospital will go into our reserves to be used in case of emergencies.

When I focus my attention back to Hayden, I can feel his elevated breathing. His eyes are a little spooked too, like he’s suddenly not sure what’s happening and what he is doing here. I know the perfect cure for that, a way to distract him and give his probably overwhelmed mind some breathing room.

Coiling my fingers around his muscular arm, I nudge him toward the stairs. “We are leaving.”

He comes without a protest. “Yeah, okay.”

Silence rules until we make it out of the catacombs. He visibly relaxes once we reach the main library floor where light is abundant and people tackle assignments behind books and monitors. I take him outside to the side of the building where there is no one, and we sit on a bench. Before I make him forget his worries though, I need something from him.

“What were you doing in the off-limits area?” I pose, curiosity getting the better of me.

He curls those kissable lips, his nostrils flaring. “I got lost. That place is a maze.” A shadow passes over his face. “So, what happens now?” he asks, aiming his beautiful eyes at me. They are bright and unsure, an ocean of three colors that I would willingly drown in.

“Now, you keep what you discovered tonight to yourself. If you don’t, you will be killed.”

His gaze drops to my mouth, his eyebrows slanting. A shiver surges through his powerful frame. “You seriously expect me not to tell anyone that vampires are real? That’s like, super unfair. Also, it’s super cool.” He grins, biting his lips. “Holy shit. Please tell me vampires are not the only thing that exists. There’s gotta be werewolves, too. And yeti. Demons? Unicorns?”

“There are. But we are not going to talk about them. Their affairs are not up to us vampires to discuss.”

My stern tone doesn’t deter his smile. “Why not?” He throws one leg over the bench and swivels around so he’s facing me. “I’ve got so many questions! You have to tell me everything!”

I think this might be his way of coping with the fact that his world changed forever tonight. Enthusiasm, energy, curiosity. I soak them all up without even trying, making them mine, the influx of sensations flooding my core.

Grabbing him by the back of his neck, I pull him toward me, my mouth finding his. He startles, instinctively pushing me away, but as I flick my tongue over his sealed lips, he melts under me, opening on an enticingly unhinged moan. His taste is sweet and intoxicating, his nimble tongue tangling with mine as if he’s been just as hungry for me as I have been for him. Like he’s been fighting this moment and waiting for it at the same time.

How very titillating.

I ravage his mouth, licking every corner, tasting every inch. He lets me take charge, his hands clasping the front of my shirt like he needs an anchor so he doesn’t lose himself completely to the kiss. I deepen it, even more desperate for his pleasure. I don’t want him to hold back, I want him wild and raw like last night. But first, I still need him to agree to help me.

Saliva drips from the corner of his mouth when we come apart. His twinkling eyes watch me as I wipe it with my finger, the pupils dilating as I shove my digit in his mouth. He sucks it diligently, his tongue wet and hot and making my cock twitch.

“Fuck, Dadd—Leander, this is so hot. I almost came just from kissing you.”