Page 9 of Pucking Vamps

I gape at his back, my blood thrumming wild as I shoot up from the old, squeaky chair. “No way! You can’t bench me! You know there will be scouts at the charity showcase! I need this, Coach!”

He turns around, his expression stern. “And I warned you. You are suspended from official play until I decide otherwise. You will still come to practice, but unless I see improvement, you’ll be warming up the bench.”

“I’m not the only one at fault here! You know how Park is!”

Coach’s eyebrows slant even further down, his lips curling in distaste. “I know neither of you is innocent. But you are in no position to be going around throwing punches at every spoiled brat who doesn’t know to keep their trap shut.”

“So you fucking agree then! Why am I the only one getting shit for this?”

“Because your parents are not one of the college’s official benefactors. You know how these things go, Johnson. C’mon, work with me for once. You’ve got potential. It would be a damn shame to waste it because you have a bad temper.”

Man, I’m really having the worst week since that time my credit card details got stolen and the bank didn’t lock it even after I reported it.

Coach circles back to his cluttered desk, stowing away a few folders as he lowers himself to the leather chair. This one is of the creaky type as well, but it seems to be holding up a little better.

“Go home and cool off. I want you on top of your game and behaving from tomorrow. If I see improvement, I’ll reconsider letting you play.”

Biting down a protest, I dip my head and stare at the worn floor tiles. Amazing. Just what I needed. Park is getting a pat on the shoulder, while I’m in real danger of ruining my chances of landing a once-in-a-lifetime offer. Not to mention the entry draft. How the fuck am I supposed to make it, if I’m not on the ice getting noticed?

“Fine,” I grind out. All I want is to lash out and scream how unfair this shitty world is, but it will do me no good.

I drew the short end of the stick and in situations like this, all that I can do is bend over and let life fuck me with its unlubed monster dick.

Chapter 4


My afternoon lectures go no better than practice. We had an assignment due today, but I forgot to put the damn papers in my bag because I overslept and was going to be late for the rink. I can’t even blame Park for that one; Club Guy just got me so good I slept like a baby.

My hips are still a little sore, but honestly, that’s probably the only relatively good thing to happen to me today. I managed to convince Mrs. Shey to let me submit late, but she’ll be taking ten percent off my grade. Seeing as it’s paramount for me to maintain a good GPA on top of good hockey performance, it’s another low blow that I didn’t need.

Irritated, I head home straight after class and get her the stupid paper. Like, an actual paper, printed out. For real, who even does that? Why aren’t we submitting this online like every other class?

Sighing, I text Nick. We have a lecture together. It’s a new teacher for this one and he definitely doesn’t want to leave a bad impression by being late. We both learned the hard way that’s it best to either be on your lecturer’s good side or be one of those unimpressionable students whose faces they don’t even remember.

Nick: I’m grabbing a coffee. U want one? Heard it can help with ur violent outbursts ;D.

Me: I do NOT have violent outbursts. Park was asking for it.

Me: Get me a black one.

Nick: Ok. Kinda agree. Park is an asshole. Can’t believe he played the victim. That’s low even for him.

Me: Stop chatting and get the coffee, you doofus. I’ll be waiting by the entrance.

Nick: Yes, yes. I don’t need a repeat of Mr. Tian. I can’t believe we passed that class.

Ten minutes later, the two of us walk into the lecture theater. We like to sit at the back, but it’s fully packed already, leaving just the two front rows. I plop into a corner seat by the door with a pointed frown Nick’s way.

“Chill, dude. At least we aren’t late.” He shrugs, taking a sip of his coffee and stretching in his seat. “Wasn’t my fault I needed to take a piss.”

I have a nasty comment at the tip of my tongue when the door opens, snatching my attention away from my friend’s goofy grin. The lecturer walks in, and between one heartbeat and another, I go completely still, forgetting where I am and why I am here because this just can’t be happening.

Emerald green eyes settle on me as I fight to keep my heart from ripping out of my chest. A flicker of amusement stirs a hint of heat in them, but it lasts only a second, disappearing as that disarming gaze moves on from me to someone behind.

Oh my god. This can’t be real. He can’t be here.

But as he reaches the middle of the elevated platform at the front and the room quiets down, reality sinks in. The guy from the club who fucked my brains out last night is my lecturer.