Page 22 of Pucking Vamps

“I agree,” I say and lean down, attacking his neck with nipping and wet kisses. “But while you live in my house, I am allowed to do anything I want to you.”

He swallows, his heart banging against his ribcage. “So, we real bang and not fake bang?” he asks, his voice hoarse and lust-laden.

“Yes, we real bang. Every night. And we won’t need condoms. Vampires don’t get sick, plus I saw your medical results from the health-check this week.” I slide my hand between his legs, brushing his balls before I rub along his hole. “You will take my cock and let me fill you up like the good boy you can be.”

He bites off a sexy little groan, mumbling nonsense under his breath and squeezing his thighs. “And if I’m not a good boy? Vampire Daddy will punish me?”

I perch an eyebrow at the obvious answer, letting the silly nickname slide.

“Fuuuuck, okay. There goes my no repeats rule. Shit, why do you have to be so… Ugh!” He looks past me at the night sky, smiling as he shakes his head. “I’m so gonna regret this. Fine. Let’s do this.”

I hum in approval. Triumph lights up my nerve endings, making my entire body vibrate. He’s agreed to be mine, if temporarily, and I can’t wait to show him how good that feels. How much more intense than the sex we had last night.

“Leander,” he says in a gravelly voice that makes my body sing. My eyes shoot up to his face, locking on those tri-colored depths of his. “As much as I am enjoying our bench fondling, I think you need to get your fancy car and take me to your fancy mansion so I can choose my fancy room. I have practice in the morning, and I need decent sleep.”

I place a kiss on his left collarbone and straighten up, letting him do the same and gather his things while I call Montgomery.

If Hayden thinks I’ll let him sleep tonight, he couldn’t be more wrong.

Chapter 8


I wrap up my shower in the unnecessarily huge and opulent bathroom of one of Leander’s guest bedrooms, nerves roiling in my stomach. I can’t believe this Adonis of a man asked me to be his fake boyfriend. Me, a nobody human with nothing to my name. And on top of that, he’s letting me live here.

I can’t believe my luck. I think I’ve used up the entirety that was allotted to my life. Holy fuck. He’s so out of my league it’s not even funny, but because of some strange whim of fate, I’m here. In his house, where he fucked me into oblivion last night.

A self-deprecating chuckle bubbles out of me. I know I said that I needed sleep, but I didn’t actually think he was going to back off and let me have it. In fact, I was counting on it, stirring him up on purpose so we could have some late-night fun.

Yet, he took me straight to the floor with the spare rooms and let me pick one, disappearing somewhere in his huge house right after.

I stand in front of the gilded mirror and stare at my naked body. I’m objectively hot. It might sound conceited, but I spend a lot of effort making sure my body is in top shape. My face is also not bad. On top of that, we had crazy compatibility last time we fucked. I put on underwear and frown. Okay, so why isn’t he banging on my door, begging me to let him fuck me with his big cock? I don’t get it.

Until I do, the moment I walk out of the bathroom into the dark room. My eyes need time to adjust and can’t make out more than rough outlines, but I can feel it. His predatory presence. Lurking about in the shadows, stalking me. Preparing to strike and have me any way he wants.

My eyes dart left and right, up and down, scouring every inch of the room, but coming up short.

Where is he?

A loud screeching noise snaps my attention to the open window and I watch flabbergasted as a jerky line appears across the glass. The curtains sway as a gust of chilly wind caresses my bare skin, their shadows growing and growing and growing some more until they reach where I am standing on the other side of the room. They begin climbing my body, coiling around my legs like vicious snakes set on immobilizing me so I’m an easy target for my vampire stalker.

Snorting as a grin stretches my face, I bolt. As if I’m going to make it that easy for him. Where’s the fun in that?

“Catch me if you can, vampy!”

Part of my brain still can’t comprehend what I discovered tonight. Vampires are real. They exist, and so do other supernatural beings. They walk and live among us humans and we have no idea, believing them to be the result of our bored minds and the need for entertainment.

But they aren’t.

How cool is that, if a little trippy? And scary, I suppress a shudder, because if not for Leander, I really would’ve ended up as sashimi on that voodoo altar.

I turn left at the intersection of corridors, heading for the stairs. My bare feet pad against the luxurious hardwood, and my panting breaths echo in the silence of the wide hall. Paintings that I have no time to examine hang on the walls, the spaces between them occupied by ornamented sconces with burning candles.

Do vampires really have a thing for gothic style or something? And on that note, does Leander have a secret dungeon under his house like the library did? I bet he does. His house is massive.

I grab onto the banister, my hackles rising as ghostly fingers brush along my exposed back. Sucking in a sharp inhale because of their coolness and the wave of burning want the touch unleashes in me, I leap over four stairs and pick up speed. Vampire tricks or not, I’m gonna make Leander work for this piece of ass. If he thinks I’ll bend over just because he got a thousand times hotter when I found out what he truly is, he’s totally right, but I have to at least pretend he is not.

Another drag of fingers—this time along my sides and my waist—rips out an appreciative, needy moan from me. Fuck, I don’t know what he’s doing and how, but my body is on fire. It feels so good and so not enough. I need more, I need him. But if I let him catch me now after I challenged him, I don’t know what will happen to me.