Page 36 of Whistle

Win: Shitty ones.

Ryan: Back on topic.

Rush: I flew out to Cali to see if I could help him out.

Landry: My dad went with him.

Jamie: Bro! You flew all the way to California with Coach… alone?

Kruger: Did he bring his whistle?

Wes: Pretty sure he doesn’t leave home without it. Ever.

Jamie: Probably showers with it. That’s an image no bro needs.

Landry: Yet you just gave it to all of us. *barf emoji*

Ryan: Get to the part where Bodhi ends up here.

Rush: He was looking at jail time, so my lawyer got him a deal.

Rory: What kind of deal?

Rush: The kind that makes him Elite.

Win: *wide-eye emoji*

Prism: *mind blown emoji*

Wes: Is this a joke?

Rush: The only bad jokes around here are from Jamie and Kruger. It’s the truth. It was Westbrook or prison, so yeah, he’s here.

Ryan: Coach is on board with this?

Rush: It was Coach’s idea.

Jamie: *shocked face emoji*

Lars: Coach gave Bodhi a spot on Elite?

Rush: Yeah, bro. Don’t worry, okay. I’ll make sure he stays away from you.

Win: That’s not your job.

Rush: *middle finger emoji*

Ryan: What did he do that this was his only way out?

Rush: He burned down a guest house.


Arsen: And now this guy is on Elite? Swimming with all of you?