Page 220 of Whistle

Jess: Right! He probably knows about some old classics we haven’t seen.

Prism: *laugh emoji*

Arsen: Don’t call Coach old to his face, Jess. He’ll blow his whistle at you.

Kruger: And then I’ll have to leave him a nasty voicemail like Arsen.

Jess: That’s not what I meant.

Kruger: Bros. Bad news.

Rory: Oh, is everything okay?

Prism: *sad face emoji*

Kruger: My Lady Jane got canceled.

Madison: What’s My Lady Jane?

Jamie: Skkkrttttttttt. Bro! You said you weren’t gonna tell these women about this.

Kruger: It’s my depression talking.

Arsen: Let it out, bro.

Ryan: This is a safe space.

Rory: Someone better explain.

Jess: My Lady Jane is a show we were streaming. It is so good. So funny!

Rory: Oh, I heard someone talking about it the other day on campus.

Kruger: It got canceled. Kinda hurt my feelings.

Wes: Is this the show with the ass wipers?

Max: WTF

Win: *laughing emoji*

Prism: Groom of the stool.

Max: I’ve tried to leave this chat so many times.

Lars: I thought you said you didn’t like that show, Kruger?

Kruger: Well, then it was taken away.

Rory: Let’s watch it together.

Madison: Yes!

Jamie: I’d rather watch something scary.

Win: Someone wiping someone else’s ass is scary.

Jamie: Point.