Page 20 of Rugged Soul

He turns and cups my chin, putting a stop to my racing thoughts. “I’ve already fallen so hard for you I’m never going to recover, Calista. When you’re ready to find out how true those words are, let me know.”

The man kisses the air from my lungs, pouring out every emotion, every truth, every unspoken word in his beautiful soul.

Domino takes a step back, leaving me reeling and wanting more. I'm completely speechless as he turns and heads into the kitchen, washing his hands before looking in the cupboard for ingredients as if he didn't just turn my world upside down.

I’m ready to find out everything about this man and how true his words are.



“That’s fucked up,” Diesel says as soon as we sit down in our designated booth at Gracie May’s Diner. “You think they were stalking her?”

I sit across from him while Jett joins me on my side of the booth. “I wish I would have figured it out sooner,” I growl under my breath. “Then I never would have put Calista in this situation. She never would have gotten hurt.”

“It’s not your fault,” Jett responds as he opens up the menu. We always get the same thing but he likes to pretend he might try something new. Not likely.

“That’s what Calista said, too.”

“Sounds like a smart woman,” Diesel says.

“Hi there,” the waitress greets us, her voice more than a little timid.

I look up, not recognizing the woman. That explains why she’s a bit uneasy. It must be intimidating to serve men like us. All the usual staff are used to the Deviant Souls and they know we mind our manners and tip well. Jett, Diesel, and I have to make a good impression on the new girl.

“What can I get y’all to drink?” she asks with a little more confidence.

“Beers all around,” I say, keeping my voice even and calm. “Thank you,” I add. I’ve never cared much how I come across to others, but Calista has changed everything about me for the better. I can sense the new waitress is shy, and I know I have the power to either intimidate or protect.

“I’m ready to order,” Diesel says without looking up from the table. “Double bacon cheeseburger with a side of fruit.”

I can’t help but chuckle when the waitress blinks a few times in confusion. I’ll never get used to Diesel’s lunch order either. He gets a heart attack on a bun and then follows it up with grapes and cantaloupe. Strange man, but he’s got a good heart. Metaphorically speaking, anyway.

“What?” Diesel asks, narrowing his eyes at me. “I’ve got to maintain my figure.”

The woman taking our order laughs, making Jett look up from his phone. He stares right at her with such intensity I wonder if he’s having a fucking stroke. I nudge him with my elbow, but he doesn’t move, every muscle in his body tense.

“Um, so what can I get you?” she asks Jett, her brows furrowing the longer she looks at him.

When the idiot doesn’t say anything, I kick him under the table.

“Ah!” he grunts, glaring at me over his shoulder. “I, uh, I… I’m Jett.”

The woman barely suppresses a grin, looking down at her notepad as a slight blush spreads across her cheeks. “What can I get for you, Jett?”

A beat of silence passes, and then another. I can’t stand it any longer so I finally speak up. “He always gets a chicken melt with fries. I’ll take the club sandwich and a side of the house-made chips.”

She nods and thanks me before turning and heading back to the kitchen.

“What the hell was that?” Diesel asks before I get the chance to.

“What? Who…?” Jett trails off, his eyes still following our waitress’ every movement.

I get it. I had no idea what the fuck hit me when I first met Calista. While I want my friend to find the kind of happiness I have with my woman, I need to make sure Calista is safe. Then I’ll help him not make a fool of himself next time he sees her.

“I asked you guys to come here because I’m not sure if the clubhouse is bugged or if we have a traitor in our midst. All I know is that I trust you both.”

Jett nods along with Diesel, and I know they’re both paying attention now. It’s true, these men are my closest friends. They more than proved their loyalty when it came to cleaning up the Deviant Souls and getting rid of the trash. I don’t have a Vice President yet, but I can easily see either of them stepping into that role soon.