Vega felt like her head might explode as fear roared inside her chest. I’m not ready to die. She did the only thing she could think of to save herself and drove her thumbs into his eyes like every true crime podcast on Earth told her to do during an attack.

Only one thumb sank in, and the pop his left eyeball made when she pushed against the inside of his socket made acid rise in the back of her throat.

A piercing scream erupted from his chest, his icy grip releasing. Vega didn’t have time to waste. The ice was still protruding from her calf, the temperature of her body not helping it melt fast enough. As she hobbled away, wincing in pain, she ripped the icicle from her leg, and a scream of her own bubbled out as blood poured from the open wound.

Vega tried to focus on the task at hand: escaping. But the pain slowed her down to a hobbled jog.

The guard roared behind her, his heavy steps exiting the cell. “You’re dead!” The voice was too close. Too close.

Her breathing was heavy, her heart threatening to beat outside of her chest as she took the first three steps too slowly. He’s going to kill you if you don’t MOVE FASTER! Vega wanted to cry out in frustration. She forced herself to pick up the pace, ignoring the pain trying to slow her down.

Ice exploded by her head. Vega ducked, not daring to look over her shoulder. All her momentum pushed her up, praying to any god, dead or alive, who would listen—let me get out of here. A hand tangling in the hair at the back of her scalp stopped her, pulling her down, down, down.

Vega felt every step dig into her on the way, her shoulder taking the brunt of the final fall. There was no time to catch her breath, no time to get off the floor. Air never reentered her lungs, her chest seizing when the guard’s heel pressed into her breastbone. Vega felt a rib pop inward, sending a new wave of pain up her side.

The guard’s bloody hand covered her mouth, stifling her scream. Hot tears spilled out of her eyes, her breathing shallow, and every inhale felt like fire charring her skin.

“It’s too late for crying. You should have thought about your actions much earlier. I’m going to enjoy this next part.”

Vega heard the knife before she saw it, the swish of the blade leaving its sheath. Out of pure fear, she chomped down, biting his finger straight to the bone. Definitely harder than biting through a carrot. The guard retaliated quickly, driving his dagger into her shoulder blade.

This was it. She was going to die at the hands of some guard with an ego problem. She would have to start all over, making this life and all the others before it a complete waste. Vega didn’t feel bad for herself—she felt for the friends who kept fighting for someone who never won.

Dying for good might be the best thing I can do for them. Would this be the final thought she ever had?

The guard pulled the knife out and recentered his aim, arms raised for the killing strike. Vega couldn’t lift her arm, the pain growing too strong.

No matter how much the voice in her head told her to fight, she couldn’t. I’m going to die.

A new voice sliced through the room. “Grimes, what the fuck?”

The guard, Grimes, didn’t move, but he no longer held the knife over Vega’s chest.

“The little bitch started it, and I’m going to show her what it means to finish something. Look at what she did to my eye!” His hand with the blade rose again, but before the knife struck Vega’s chest, the other guard snatched it from his grip and knocked him to the side.

“Commander will have your head. What were you thinking?”

Vega heard them talking but had nothing left. All she could do was focus on the short rasps of her breathing.

“Your eye will heal.” The man took a breath. “Maybe. That looks fucked up, dude.”

Grimes turned back to Vega with veins popping on his neck from rage, rushing towards her with easy strides. “I’m going to kill her.”

The new guy jumped in front of his path. “If she’s gone in the morning, your life won’t reset like hers. Gods, Grimes, you’re foolish.” He stood over Vega, taking in her battered body. “I came here to relieve you for the night. Commander wants all level sevens ready to leave for Ardor in the morning.” There was no movement. “Now! Before I summon the commander myself.”

Footsteps and mumbled grumbles faded as Grimes took his leave. “Felix, you fucking kiss-ass.”

The new guard looked at Vega, eyes scanning her body. He reached down and scooped her up, gentler than she expected. “I’m sorry about him.” His words were soft like a warm blanket. He sat her down in her cell, and Vega chirped at the discomfort.

“Please. Get. Me. Out. Of. Here.” She dragged a breath between each word.

“No can do, Sweets, but you’re still in luck. I’m a healer before a soldier, and I’m going to get you fixed up. You won’t be good as new, but I guarantee you’ll feel better than you do now.” The man’s voice was honeyed, unlike any enemy Vega had met yet. He continued to talk to her as his warm hands, so much warmer than the hands that had just defiled her, worked over her body.

Vega cried out when her rib popped back into place.

The man spoke up. “Take a deep breath. You’re going to be okay.”

“No, I’m not. I’m going to die,” Vega cried.