Arlet answered by letting her power’s cloak down, stepping over the threshold into the main room. Her fists were clenched, eyes bouncing between Khort under Bridger’s boot, Vega in Junie’s hold, and Bridger, his menacing grin in place.

Vega breathed heavily, standing as still as she possibly could to avoid Junie’s torture.

“What do you want, Bridger? You want us to surrender? To back down? We’ll never do what you did to Vega!” Arlet’s eyes met his. “You might as well kill us all if that’s what you expect. Reset Vega and let her wither away on Earth. At least she’d be free of you. Finally.”

Bridger ground his teeth, his jaw clenching at her words.

There was no one to blame but himself for turning his back on Vega—turning his back on their relationship and the ascendancy they had together.

“Tell your gecko to back down.” Bridger looked down at Khort, his face red from struggling to breathe. “And stop fighting back. I’m taking Vega.”

“No!” Khort scratched at his boots still, attempting to use his feet to kick out from under Bridger.

Bridger pinned Khort down with his shield, holding him completely still. The boot on his throat wasn’t needed anymore, but Bridger liked the feeling it gave him.

Bridger’s grin spread across his face when Arlet dove towards him with a dagger in hand. He moved out of the way, finally releasing his boot from Khort’s throat just in time for Arlet’s momentum to keep throwing her forward. She stumbled over Khort, catching herself before taking a full tumble.

Someone groaned from behind, causing Bridger to jerk his head to see Junie falling to the floor and Vega barreling towards him with lightning the color of her eyes. Bridger threw up his shield. Vega crashed into it, unable to remember any of his easiest moves. “It’s too bad you couldn’t get your memories back in time to remember how to fight me.” Junie twitched on the floor from the electric jolt Vega sent through her. Gods, it would be a shame if she’s dead.

Vega didn’t react to his words, only stared him down. The hatred in her eyes simmered, a cold chill traveling up his spine. He showed no reaction, only forced the feeling away.

“I’ve had enough.” Bridger faked a yawn when he saw Junie open her eyes. “Put Vega to sleep.” She was up, dazed but alive. She drew no attention to herself as she crept behind Vega. Arlet was too busy trying to free Khort from Bridger’s power to notice.

“Goodnight, love,” Bridger said, looking into the eyes of the woman he once would’ve done anything for as Junie gripped her shoulders. Vega slumped in her arms, head dipping back. Jak walked in with Halo. “Take her to Aeris.” Bridger allowed his shield to drop and released his power on Khort, who popped off the ground instantly.

“You traitor!” Khort almost had his hands on Halo before he poofed into thin air, taking Vega’s body and the twins with him. Bridger was now alone with Khort and Arlet for the first time in nearly forty years.

“Looks like you both lost again.” Bridger reveled in the way their hatred could be seen in the lines of their faces. “Aren’t you tired of it yet?”

Arlet sneered. “What happened to you? I don’t even recognize you.” She’d lost her best friend again, and for that, Bridger felt a tiny pang of remorse.

“I got tired of losing. No one is worth this type of pain.” Bridger pointed at her and then at Khort. “Maybe one day you’ll see that too.” Bridger backed out of the room, the two of them stalking around him now that he was alone. He looked like the mouse, but they all knew he was the lion.

Halo was back, materializing beside Bridger—officially choosing sides. “Commander, let’s go.” Halo’s gaze averted from Khort’s ice-cold stare.

“Look at him, Halo,” Bridger growled. “It’s too late to go back now. There is no forgiveness for what you’ve done. Own your choice.”

Halo lifted his head, locking eyes with Khort, who only had one question. “Why?”

“Because I’m not a hero. I want to be on the winning side, not fighting a losing battle.”

Bridger spit out a laugh as he leaned down and pulled his dagger out of the dead guard’s head. “Everyone can see it now. You’re losing your own people. They don’t believe you can win. Let that sink in.” Bridger put his hand on Halo’s shoulder, a triumphant smile on his face. “And now, I’m going to torture your girl. Bye-bye!”

Halo traveled them out of the house and straight into Marlena’s home as Khort shifted into the black dragon he should have been from the start.


Vega’s eyes opened, and panic twisted her gut into a thousand knots. Her last memories swirled in her head, where a splitting headache took hold. Having Junie inside of her mind was a feeling she never wanted to experience again. It was like someone tied her to puppet strings and did whatever they wanted while she had to sit back and watch. And then Flavia’s manipulation…

I killed Flavia.

Bile pooled at the back of her throat. Vega jumped to her feet. Her vision blurred from the quick change in positions, but she didn’t stumble, only searched for the power inside of her to ground herself.


The panic made it hard to feel the electric pulse that had become second nature to her since returning to Tolevarre.

“Fucking focus, Vega. Fuck.” She kept her voice low as her eyes scanned the room. There was nothing special about it—no hints as to where she was. The walls were a deep green, the flooring sturdy planks of dark brown wood. It didn’t creak as she walked across it. No pictures hung on the walls, and there was minimal furniture. She knew she was in Aeris, that much she could remember from before Junie got her hands on her, but she had a sinking feeling this might be the home of someone she wasn’t ready to meet.