“I asked you a question, Halo! Why are you here?” Khort got louder. Vega could barely comprehend what was happening, her vision not fully back yet after blacking out—she relied on her hearing to piece together the world around her.

This was the first time she hadn’t seen anything when blacking out—had it been the witch who’d caused it?

“I wanted to make sure you guys were safe. That no one in Fraus had stopped you.” This was his homeland—he knew it better than any of them, but his words and tone faltered.

Vega’s perception started to blur back into focus, the ring of black pushing out to the corner of her eyesight.

Khort’s nostrils flared when he was within reach of the blond boy. “You liar,” Khort said on an inhale. “I can smell him on you. Bridger.” A dragon with heightened senses—there wasn’t much you could get past him.

“No,” the boy said, taking a step back and putting his hands up. “I wouldn’t—I didn’t,” he sputtered, trying to backtrack.

Vega’s world came into full focus, but the pain never completely subsided. A dull ache pounded at the base of her skull, and her eyes burned like she’d opened them underwater. Her back rested against the wall behind her, but Flavia’s arms slid under her arms, hoisting her up.

“Come along, girl.”

Vega shook her head, still unsure if she was able to speak.

“Fine,” the witch sneered.

A surge of Vega’s power shot through her body by no control of her own. She screamed, but nothing came out. She was frozen in shock from her lightning working against her. This witch is going to kill me.

The rest of the group was focused on Halo and the betrayal unraveling.

“My payday will be much better from Marlena anyway.” Flavia’s voice came out like a snake ready to strike her in the jugular. The old woman pinned Vega inside herself, her body fighting for release from the hold on her power.

No, no, no. I’m not giving up. I’m not dying again. Fight, Vega! Flavia’s power continued to strain her own, turning the static of her veins into a current of energy Vega couldn’t harvest. Focus.

Flavia dragged her backward, her hands still beneath Vega’s underarms. Vega’s heels dragged on the ground. “Walk.”

Vega wanted to scream for help, for anyone to turn around and save her from the havoc being wreaked on her body and mind. Arlet. Where is Arlet?

Everything moved in slow motion. “Walk or I’ll kill you.” Those words jarred something inside of Vega.

I am not the weak girl I used to be. Anger fizzled inside of her, and Vega could feel her lightning come back to her core. The scream finally came, ripping through her vocal cords. Her vision darkened again, but this time she felt the spark of her power—her power in her control.

Vega dug her nails into the witch’s thighs, surely drawing blood as the lightning zapped through her fingertips. There was nowhere for the blue lightning to go other than straight into Flavia.

The only noise the woman made was the sound of her body hitting the rickety cabin floor. Her body convulsed, cracking against the plank flooring again and again until eventually she went limp. The whites of her eyes were visible through the slits of her eyelids.

“No.” The word slipped off of her lips in a whisper. “No, no.”

Arlet came rushing into the cabin, the front door crashing against the wall. Vega couldn’t remember her going outside.

“Shit.” Arlet rushed over to Vega. “Oh gods. What happened?”

Vega fell to her knees, taking Flavia by the shoulders. “No, no,” she repeated. “I killed her. Oh my god. I killed her.” Vega gasped, on the verge of hyperventilating as she held the dead woman’s body.

Arlet’s hands gripped her shoulders gently. “She’s gone.”

Vega recoiled. “Stop it! Don’t touch me!” She scrambled, pushing herself farther from Arlet and pulling the woman’s lifeless form into her lap. “She can’t be dead. I can’t have killed her. Someone do something! I didn’t mean to. I just—I wanted to get her off me.” Her eyes were wild with fear, as wide as a deer in the path of an oncoming car.

“Fucking shit!” Khort’s voice roared over her own pleading. “Vega!” He crossed the room in large strides. “What did you do?”

“She was going to take me to Marlena. She said…” Tears streamed down Vega’s face. “She said she could get a better payday by giving me to her.”

“We don’t kill innocents!” His eyes clouded as he lost his temper.

“Did you not hear her? The bitch was going to turn her over to the enemy. She wasn’t an innocent!” Arlet stood in between Vega and Khort.