Vega elbowed her. Arlet shrugged.

“My people are the reason this world eats, the reason you got fresh bacon for breakfast this week.” Urban raised an eyebrow. “Where do you think that came from? I gave them to your rebels, who it seems are fighting a battle alone in my lands, and they gave them to you. I sent those pigs on their behalf.”

Khort reached for his dagger again, but Vega stopped him, gripping his branded wrist tightly. “What do you mean by it seems they’re fighting a battle alone in your lands?”

Urban’s eyes bounced to Vega, a sad smile on his lips. “You’ve been gone a long time. There’s a lot I’m sure your friends haven’t been able to fill you in on.” He nodded to Khort and Arlet.

Khort’s jaw tensed so hard Vega could hear his teeth grind together. He spoke through gritted teeth. “I can’t be everywhere at once.”

“I know that.” Urban nodded. “Which is why I’ve come to offer my help. I may not be a war hero, but I have resources that can help a rebellion rise and can easily cripple the other side.”

“She’ll just kill you all. Make you suffer for it,” Vega added, dropping down on one knee to make herself eye level with Urban. “More of your people would die. Why would you subject them to exactly what you’re trying to avoid?”

“I’ve been suffering since the day my parents died for her. Do you know what it feels like to be seen as weak your entire life just because of where you were born? Because your gods-given powers aren’t ones that can crumble an entire city or kill a dozen men in a single blow?” Urban had tears welling in his green eyes. “I have been so scared to step out of line, to speak out against her. All because I thought it would save my people if I followed along and did what I was told.” He didn’t break his stare and neither did Vega. “She thinks I’m weak, that I couldn’t destroy the entire foundation her malevolent council sits on with nothing but the root of a single tree. That I couldn’t starve out Bridger’s army in under a month.”

Vega didn’t dare react to Bridger’s name, wrestling the muscles in her face not to move.

“You ask me why I would be willing to lose more of my people?” Urban shifted his gaze to Khort, then to Arlet and back to Vega. “Because at least then I’ll know they fought for the life they deserve, that they stood against tyranny. And if I die trying to give them their freedom back, then I’ll be remembered as the last Silva to give a damn.”

It took Vega hours for her and Arlet to convince Khort to accept Urban’s proposal. He was right to be cautious, but Vega believed Urban—she could see it in his eyes, feel it in his soul. He was sick and tired of being played for a fool.

“Here’s some water.” Vega handed him and his guard each a glass.

“Thank you, Vega,” Urban said while holding the cup between his still-cuffed hands. “I meant what I said before. It is really great to see you.”

She gave him a warm smile. “You too. I’m sorry for what’s happening to your people. I never wanted any of this to happen.”

Urban handed the empty glass to his guard and then reached for her hand. Vega took it, his hands cold from being unadjusted to the temperature of Castra. “I know that. You were always so kind to my people. To everyone’s people. You would have been a wonderful Curia member.”

Vega squeezed his hand. “That’s kind of you, but I never wanted to rule. I just wanted to live.” My happily ever after with the man I loved.

“We don’t always get what we want, huh?” Urban asked, not expecting a reply.

“Has…” Vega stopped, looking over her shoulder. “Bridger—has he been in Solum with Meyer?”

Urban’s smile slinked across his face. “Why do you ask?”

Vega huffed, blowing a piece of loose hair out of her face. “I like to know where my enemies are at all times,” she lied. “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.”

“He doesn’t come around often. I’ve only seen him there once since you returned.”

Maybe because he was too busy dealing with me.

Khort popped up behind her, reaching over to unlock the cuffs around Urban’s and his guard’s wrists. “I’ll have someone escort you out, and we’ll be in touch soon about what the next step needs to be.”

Vega helped untie Urban from the wooden chair. He stood and stretched his legs, rubbing his wrists where the manacles had been. “I look forward to it.”

Khort nodded, stepping away to gather a few men to walk Urban back up to the hatch that would spit them back onto Imber’s solid ground. Arlet left to fill in the other leaders of Castra after they’d come to an agreement on whether or not to accept Solum as a much-needed ally.

“I hope you’ll be fighting beside us when this all blows up,” Urban said with a slightly nervous chuckle.

“As long as I’m here and breathing, I’ll be fighting,” Vega promised.

“Then I’ll see you soon,” Urban said as the Castra guards came to usher him out.

Vega nodded, giving him a genuine smile. Urban walked through the door, and it shut behind him as a thought struck her.

Khort was approaching, but Vega had no time to waste. She faked a yawn, rubbing her eyes. “Gods, I could use a nap.” She looked down at her suit, which had finally dried from this morning’s workout. Vega scrunched her nose. “And definitely a shower.”