“Yeah, maybe,” Bridger said as the portal flickered with movement. Bridger jumped to his feet, brushing off the grass stuck to his pants.
Arlet stepped through, and the first thing Bridger recognized was how tired she looked. The bags under her eyes were puffy, her black shirt wrinkled, and those definitely weren’t the same boots she’d left with.
Vega appeared behind her seconds later, rubbing her eyes in bewilderment at the world around her. She was so tiny, skin and bones, with bruises up and down her arms.
Are those fingerprints? Bridger’s anger could be felt in the rise of the temperature around them.
“I’d rather not talk about them,” Vega said in a mousy tone that wasn’t hers.
Bridger must be more sleep-deprived than he thought because he meant to say those words to himself, not out loud. Or maybe he had, and she’d just followed his gaze…
“It was tough getting her out this time,” Arlet admitted.
Bridger forced himself forward, moving to reach out for Vega, but she flinched away from him, stopping him in his tracks.
“Vega, that’s Bridger. He won’t hurt you.” Arlet reached out to pull her away from the portal, nodding in Khort’s direction. “And that’s Khort.”
He smiled at her wide. “It’s good to see you.”
No, it’s not. Not like this. Vega stared at Bridger, taking him in with wary eyes.
“Do I look different?” she asked, seeming to read his thoughts again.
Bridger bit his lip. “Just a little more banged up than I’d like you to be.”
“But it’s okay, we’ll get you back to you,” Khort promised as he pulled Arlet into a big hug.
Arlet wrapped her arms around Khort, and that was when Bridger saw the bruises on her too. The rumble of his anger shook the ground under them. “Who?” he growled, grabbing Arlet gently despite his growing rage.
“Bridger, it’s fine.” She tried to reassure him. “He’s back on Earth. He can’t hurt her anymore.”
These lives Vega was living were quite literally beating her down until she crumbled.
“My ex,” Vega squeaked. “I left him when I met Arlet, but he followed us when we went to leave.”
Her ex. Bridger would never get used to the fact she was living a completely separate life on Earth, including being involved with other men. It wasn’t her fault, but Bridger’s heart broke with the knowledge that his Vega wasn’t just his anymore—that she’d become someone else’s every time she left this life.
A wisp of cold air blew, raising the hairs on Bridger’s arms, and Arlet jumped to hide Vega behind her. He knew before he turned around who he would see.
Marlena’s grin was huge, spreading ear to ear. “That must suck, knowing someone else has been worshiping…” She paused, peeking her head around Bridger to get a view of her sister hiding behind Arlet. “Maybe that’s not the right word. Let me rephrase—knowing that someone else has been beating the shit out of your little girly-friend and there’s nothing you can do about it. I’m sure that’s worse than picturing her moaning someone else’s name.”
Khort puffed smoke, his eyes turning to slits.
Marlena chuckled. “Calm down, big boy. I’m not here for her. Not this time, at least.”
“Then what are you here for?” Bridger asked while his outrage continued to grow.
“I’m here for you. Haven’t you heard?” Marlena asked, her eyes darting between everyone. She gasped, the sound of practiced innocence. “Oh no, I’m sorry to be the one to tell you, Bridgey…” A fake frown pulled too deeply at her lips. “Your father is dead.”
Arlet inhaled sharply, Khort unsteady on his legs. But they kept themselves in front of Vega, not allowing Marlena to get too close.
“What?” Bridger asked, dumbfounded. Tolevarre was without a commander for the first time in history.
“I killed him.” Her words were melodic, happy. “And you’re next in line for commander of Tolevarre.”
Marlena stepped closer to Bridger, and while every nerve ending in his body told him to move, he wouldn’t show Marlena fear—it was what she wanted.
That was a mistake, one he would think about for the rest of his life.