There was a whoosh of air with a gurgling sound to follow. Bridger’s senses swelled with danger. As silent as a leopard after its prey, Bridger exited the vehicle.

His soldier held Vega by the throat, suspended in the air, while her feet kicked underneath her for purchase. “You will not speak ill of Marlena.” Vega’s eyes bulged, her hands clawing at the man’s arms. The soldier’s gaze dropped to the ground, where liquid dripped from Vega’s leg. “Did you just piss yourself?” He spat a laugh.

Bridger had been building an army to follow him, not Marlena. But there would always be outliers. The army was his, and he’d be damned if Marlena snaked her way in. She had enough control.


The soldier’s body folded to the ground after Bridger snapped his neck.

Vega barely caught herself on her feet, gasping for air as her fingers danced over the dark bruise already starting to form around her neck.

Bridger didn’t reach out for her, didn’t help steady her. He looked behind him, waiting to see the next vehicle in their convoy. He could hear it in the distance, the engine stalled like he’d requested. His focus flicked back to Vega.


Vega blinked rapidly. Her lips formed the question her voice couldn’t find. What?

“Vega, go,” he growled, detaching the cape of his uniform from the clasps.

She didn’t question him this time, only hesitating for a second to grab the dagger off the dead soldier’s leg. She kicked dirt up as she darted for the woods in the distance.

Bridger waited until she was inside the tree line to drive his dagger into his side, releasing a bellow of pain.

The second soldier from inside the vehicle jumped out, scurrying to Bridger’s side as he ripped the blade from his flesh.“Sir! What happened?”

A familiar soldier came barreling towards him on horseback. There was an X on the sleeve of his uniform, the numeral signifying he was a level ten warrior. The other from up ahead was close behind, the horse he handed over from earlier no longer with him.

The other soldiers of varying high ranks were on alert, searching the other side of the vehicle, awaiting their orders while calling the other piece of their convoy forward.

Bridger hastily reached inside the cab for his bonded sword with one hand pressed to his side. He ignored the nagging feel of his blood healing his self-induced stab wound. “I let her out to use the bathroom so she didn’t pee inside my fucking vehicle, and she snapped Paulus’s neck. When I got out to check on what was happening, she’d stolen his dagger and stabbed me.” He slipped the scabbard over his back. “Three stay here in case she gets turned around and circles back. The rest of you spread out and keep eyes on the road.”

“You shouldn’t go alone. I’ll come with you,” the soldier with the X on his arm said.

“No,” he barked quickly. “I can handle her on my own.” Bridger stepped over his cape, looking over his shoulder. “Do not sound the alarm yet. I don’t need the rebels knowing she’s out here roaming alone.”

Bridger broke out into a sprint, and with no one around to hear, he spoke to himself. “C’mon, Vega, I know you didn’t get far.”


What the fuck are you doing, Bridger? he asked himself as he pivoted toward a snapping twig. “Please come out.” He spoke softly, knowing she was close. “I can feel you.”

Their connection had always been strong, but since his shields came down, the tingle he felt had intensified like never before.

Another snap made Bridger spin in the opposite direction. “For such a tiny thing, you sure are making a lot of fucking noise,” he grumbled. Standing in the same spot, Bridger took a deep breath and focused on the pull he could feel on the inside. It’d been so long since he had to follow the thread that linked him to Vega.

His dark eyes shot open, and he moved on quiet feet.

Backed up against a large willow tree, Vega hid with the dagger she’d stolen clutched in her hand. Bridger stalked around in the shadows cast by the full moon.

Vega’s head cocked, but with no powers, she wouldn’t be able to feel him through the bond in their souls. She moved between trees, rustling leaves under her feet like a toddler without any balance.

Bridger rolled his eyes. She’s rusty.

He made it behind the second tree she used for shelter and didn’t hesitate. Bridger sprung from behind, gripping her by the waist, and pulled her hard against his core. His free hand cupped over her mouth, muffling her screams after disarming her of the stolen dagger. The other Fortis-born warriors would know if he used his sound shields, so he was forced to do this the old-fashioned way.

Bridger’s lips fluttered over Vega’s ear. “Bite me, and I’ll bite back.”

Vega continued to flail. The mumbles against his palm sounded a lot like, fuck you.