Khort hesitated, his lips parting before asking, “What?”
Vega laughed, shaking her head. “Get your head outta the gutter, Fera!” She popped him on the shoulder with her hand, giving him a playful shove. “I want to see you shift.”
Khort’s eyebrow rose. “Why?” His hand was back on her leg, his empty glass held in the other.
“I want to feel the wonder of this world one last time. When I get my memories back, it won’t be new to me anymore. This brain cannot even comprehend a man turning into a dragon. I bet it’s exhilarating.”
Khort leaned back in the chair, removing his hand from her leg as he pushed himself up.
“There’s nowhere for me to show you down here. I’m a little too big for any of the rooms we have here in Castra.” He was trying to dismiss her request.
Vega shot up from the arm of the chair, her butt numb from the pressure of an uncomfortable position.
“Then let’s go up. I could use some fresh air tonight.” Her face was warm from the wine.
He shook his head, putting the glass down on the table by Vega’s door. “It’s not safe. Bridger and his soldiers have been sniffing around Imber lately, no doubt looking for you.”
“Fuck him. I’ll fry him to a crisp. Please, Khort.” Vega batted her eyes, giving him her best set of puppy eyes. “I want one more piece of excitement in this life before it all gets serious.”
He ran a large hand over his handsome face. “Fine, but if Arlet finds out, I’m blaming you.”
Vega squealed, jumping once, trying to keep quiet so she didn’t wake the mother and son who lived next door.
“I’m only agreeing because my wings could use a good stretch.”
On their way up, the elevator screeched with rusted gears. The nerves from her most recent elevator ordeal caused a tightening in her chest, her breaths shallow, and not even the glasses of wine she’d drank could wash the memory away.
The elevator shook, and without thinking, Vega hit the button that read Kitchen.
“Detour,” she commented as she stepped through the opening door.
Khort followed with quiet footsteps.
Vega searched through cabinets, shutting them with an echoing slam. “I know you know what I’m looking for. It might be easier if you tell me where it’s kept.”
Khort’s warm laugh heated the air around her, impelling Vega to adjust her attention to him hoisting himself onto the counter. His strong legs dangled off the counter, boots bouncing off the wood with a hollow thud. “Sometimes you have to ask for help.”
She scrunched her nose. “No thanks,” she said, continuing to rummage on her own.
“Four cabinets to the left, top shelf.”
Vega didn’t move, staring at the top shelf he was talking about. “Are you fucking serious?”
“Gotta keep it away from the kids.” Vega could hear the smile on his lips without looking back.
“Some of the kids here can fly. Do you think this is stopping them?” Vega swiveled to find Khort hopping off the counter with a playful smile on his face.
“Don’t go giving them ideas.” Khort’s eyes crinkled in suspicion. She could almost see the memories welling behind them.
“Don’t give me that look. I bet you weren’t innocent either.” Vega caught the way his shirt rose as he reached for the top shelf effortlessly. When he only brought one down, her eyes turned to slits.
That look was all Khort needed to burst into a cackle. “Vega! One, you need to slow down on the drinking thing. Arlet commented about your drinking habits on Earth.” He closed the cabinet, turning to face her. “And two, we have a pretty important day tomorrow. I’m not letting you wake up with any regrets.”
She groaned, rolling her eyes. “One,” she emphasized by holding her finger up, “my drinking habits were almost nonexistent until walking in on my husband with his face between another woman’s legs.” Vega held up a second finger. “And two, let me just remind you that I have had the craziest two weeks of my entire fucking life… lives…?” She paused, wondering how to continue. “Whatever! I deserve to have a fun last night of ignorant bliss.” Vega stared him down.
“I didn’t know about the husband thing. I’m sorry. We wo—” He paused, placing the bottle on the counter nearby.