Which is ridiculous and I know it. I have no claim on her. I haven’t earned her trust. And I hurt her, too.
My phone buzzes as a text pops up on my screen.
Maybe you could tell them a bit about your story. Like how you got into professional hockey, how hard you had to work, and how rewarding it was when that hard work paid off? Then it would be great if you could encourage them and tell them they can achieve greatness, too, if they’re willing to put in the work and believe in themselves. They don’t all have people in their lives telling them they can be great. I know how discouraging that can be.
She knows from personal experience, or from observing it in her students?
I can definitely talk about all of that. Do you have a date in mind yet?
Well, school starts in two weeks at the end of August. I’m not sure what your season and schedule look like.
The preseason starts in the middle of September, so it’ll be easier to schedule things prior to that.
Of course. Maybe we could do the second week of school?
That should work. You let me know the day and time and I’ll clear it with my coach and make up any training I miss. He won’t mind for something like this.
Thanks, Maddox. You have no idea how much the kids will love this.
Don’t mention it. It was part of our deal, right?
Yeah. Right, of course.
I kick myself. Dammit, now she thinks I’m only doing this because of our deal. Why do I always stick my foot in my mouth with her?
I’ve been thinking about it a lot. I’m really looking forward to it. Thanks for giving me the opportunity.
This time that little ellipsis that tells me she’s typing flashes, then disappears, flashes, then disappears.
To be honest, I worried you’d try to get out of it.
Yeah. She’s got some trust issues. And I deserve that. It’s okay, I can be patient. We can work on that if she gives me the chance to earn her friendship.
I may be a lot of things, but one thing you can count on is that I’m a man of my word. If I tell you I’m going to do something, I will always do it. I don’t break promises, Isla.
Everyone claims to be a man of their word. It doesn’t mean they are. LOL
My heart pinches. That little LOL she throws in at the end doesn’t fool me. Whether she realizes it or not, Isla just revealed one of her truths. Determination fuels me to show her that not every man is a liar. I realize that’s ironic since I’ve thought every woman was a liar on more than one occasion after the crap Candace and Georgia pulled on me. Maybe a friendship with Isla could be healing for both of us.
Well, actions always speak louder than words. I’ll just have to show you.
A minute or two passes without a response, and I know I need to change the subject before I lose her entirely. Time to bring this conversation to safer subjects.