“Fun for you, maybe,” I scoff, trying to mask the tremor in my voice.
“You’re a piece of work. You know why you’re here, right?”
“To be your punching bag? Please, I’ve had worse dates.”
“Smart mouth,” he says, taking a step closer. The smell of sweat and something foul clings to him. “But you don’t get it. You’re going to be my leverage against your precious Reapers Rejects. A little torture here, a little pain there, and they’ll come running to save you like heroes who never caused torment.”
“Good luck with that,” I reply, though my insides twist at the thought. “You think they care about me? I’m a prospect, and I’m not worth their time. Taking an officer or an ol’ lady would’ve been a better choice.”
“Are you sure about that? The Reapers Rejects protect their own, regardless of status. I heard so many stories about how they tried to save Saffron when the old clubhouse was burning. She was nothin’ but a piece of ass to get their dicks wet. They’ll be here, Stiletto. Eventually. But until then...” He leans in, eyes glinting with malice. “We have all the time in the world.”
I swallow hard, locking my gaze onto his.
No way am I letting him see how much his words affect me. Not now. Not ever.
“Do your worst,” I challenge, my voice steady despite the adrenaline coursing through me.
“Trust me, sweetheart,” he replies, leaning back with a sinister grin. “I will.”
A shiver runs down my spine, but I won’t back down.
I won’t give him the satisfaction.
“Bring it on, old man.”
“Stiletto,” his voice calls, rough and tainted with amusement.
“Did you think we’d take a break from the war with your club because of a holiday?” He steps into the light, a silhouette of menace. “What a shame. A mistake that will no doubt cost you dearly.”
“Fuck you,” I snap back, my voice stronger than I feel.
He grins, revealing crooked teeth. “You know, for knowing your club is at war, you acted pretty foolishly. Your precious club? They’ve got no clue where you are. How does it feel to be so... helpless? To feel at my mercy?”
“Helpless?” I huff, defiance igniting something inside me. “You think this is over?”
“Not even close.” He steps closer, his gaze roving over me like I’m a prize on display. “I’ll keep you here, day after day. You’ll wish for death before I’m done with you.”
A shiver runs through me—not from the cold.
The water drips down, pooling beneath me, glistening like ice.
“Why do you think I’m afraid of you?” I challenge. “You’re just a pathetic coward hiding behind your men.”
His laughter echoes, sharp and cruel. “Brave words, Stiletto. But bravery won’t save you from this basement.”
“Basement,” I scoff. “What, did you run out of real estate? Is that why you’re keeping me holed up here like a rat?”
“Keep talking,” he says, eyes narrowing. “Every word just makes this more enjoyable for me. You’ll regret it soon enough.”
“Yeah? And what’s actually your plan? Spray me down like a dirty car? Real original.”
“Believe me, girl,” he sneers, stepping even closer. “This is just the beginning. You have no idea what I’m capable of.”
“Well, if you’re right and my club does come, you’re going to regret this,” I say, the bravado slipping through my fingers like sand.
“Regret?” He laughs, cruel and sharp. “Oh, sweet girl, this is just the beginning. Your suffering will be exquisite.”
I swallow hard, fighting the urge to scream.