Page 88 of Sinful Promises

I smiled. Zali should bottle and sell her positive spin on life. I’d be lining up to buy it by the truckload.

Then again, by being here and chasing Roman, I was already putting a positive spin on things. Even as I looked out to the Mediterranean, I still couldn’t believe it. Butterflies danced in my stomach as I thought about how tomorrow would play out.

It was going to be good.

No, it would be better than that. It was going to be the best day of my life.

Anyway, wish me luck for tomorrow

Oh I do, babe. All the luck in the world. You deserve it


Next photo you send me better be a pic of you two together

I hope so. Love you. MWAHHHH

Love you too, babe

With my full stomach bloated to bursting point, I strapped my bag across my shoulder and strolled down the street toward the ocean. A curved beach formed the edge of a natural marina, and several small boats bobbed on the ocean. A few kids were skimming rocks across the water, and a couple more were fishing on the far side.

I tugged my scarf around my neck, and crunching across the rocks, I aimed for a giant boulder. With tiny waves curling onto the shore, I inhaled the salty air long and deeply, trying to calm my tumbling thoughts.

Taking this time out was a good idea. If I saw Roman tomorrow. No. Not if . . . when I saw Roman tomorrow, I was going to look amazing and be calm and collected.

At least, that was the plan.

I was living in that Doris Day song, and tomorrow was going to be my what will be, will be moment.

By the time I lay in bed and listened to the absolute silence around me, I was utterly exhausted.

What will be, will be.

Chapter Twenty

Iwoke before sunrise with so much energy I contemplated giving that hiking trail a go with my suitcase held over my head.

Instead, because I still had two hours before my breakfast would be served, and a further two hours before my train departed, I dressed for a walk and headed outside.

But I was too early even for sunrise. The streets were dark and deserted. And worried I’d face-plant into one of the boat flower planters and break my nose, I returned back inside, lay on my bed, and read my book.

For once, time was ticking fucking slowly, and at each turn of my page, I glanced at the clock. It’d barely moved another three minutes.

It was an eternity before I took a seat at the breakfast table downstairs. Once I did though, I was like a bumblebee . . . buzzing.

After breakfast, I tried to pace myself by taking care applying my makeup and getting into my ‘greeting Roman’ outfit—the navy-blue wrap dress and my sexy boots. This time, however, I wore a colorful woolen scarf and long, silver earrings with a ruby-red sphere at the bottom that perfectly matched my matte lipstick.

When I arrived at the train station, I still had thirty minutes to wait.

Me and this waiting business were not friends, and with every second that passed, I wanted to bitch-slap my watch.

But other than the waiting, I felt good about today.

I liked to believe I had excellent intuition, and if I was reading the vibes right, today was going to be A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

Sitting on my suitcase, I inhaled the crisp morning air and my breath misted on each exhale. I tugged my scarf around my neck and did up an extra button on my coat, but despite the cool breeze blowing in off the ocean, everything was perfect.

Maybe just a little too perfect.