Page 25 of Sinful Promises

Maybe I didn’t need a place to call home after all. I could drift wherever the wind took me, settle in when I wanted, and keep going when I’d had enough. The world was there to be explored. I just needed the confidence to do it.

He suddenly stood, casting a surge of water at me. “Hey, Rebecca. Over here.” He waved at a woman near the steps.

She waved back. “There you are.”

Jonas was right about the Aussie accent being noticeable. Rebecca, too, was noticeable. She was short like me. She was also big-breasted like me, and Rebecca was big all over. The very definition of a plus-sized woman. Every glorious curve was on show, and she smiled like she didn’t have a care in the world.

She splashed into the pool and breast-stroked toward us, beaming with a huge grin. “I was hoping I’d find you here.”

She stood as she approached, and Jonas stepped forward. Rebecca wrapped her arms around his shoulders and they shared a kiss. This was no coworkers’ kiss that I’d ever seen before. Though if Roman wanted to give it a go, he’d get no objections from me. I glanced away, unsure what to do with myself.

When they parted, Jonas smiled at me. “I was just telling Daisy all about you. You’re both from Sydney.”

“Oh, really?” Her green eyes lit up. “Nice to meet you.” She held her hand forward.

I gripped her fingers in mine. “You too.”

“You here on holiday?”

Within seconds, the three of us struck up a conversation like long-lost friends. It seemed so normal and yet it was far from it. But they both made me feel comfortable and welcome, and soon, I forgot all about being totally naked.

“Hey, I booked in for the Schlammbad when I arrived. Are you keen?”

I had no idea what a Schlammbad was, but Rebecca’s energy was contagious. And before I knew it, I was following her abundant derriere along yet another paved walkway.

Her confidence was inspiring. I put my shoulders back and stuck my boobs out like they were lethal weapons. Damn, I felt good.

We passed a dozen spas positioned in amongst the foliage. All were full of people, laughing and smiling.

Rebecca led us back into the main building and we paused to grab our robes. They didn’t put theirs on, so I didn’t put mine on either. With our slippers on, we strolled side by side. We went past the turquoise pool—but my attention was on Jonas’s schlong, flopping about like one of those giant wacky waving inflatable tube men that car yards use.

We went up a set of large marble stairs that I hadn’t noticed when I’d first arrived, and at the top Rebecca approached a counter where two staff members were waiting. They were both fully clothed and looked about as relaxed as the lady who worked at Stinky Skunk Marijuana tea house in Amsterdam. Yet I doubted these two needed marijuana to be this stress-free. Maybe in my next career I’d be lucky enough to land a job this chilled.

Rebecca spoke to the staff in perfect German, making it impossible for me to follow the conversation, so I held back. I couldn’t help but admire her. She had to be the most confident person I’d ever met. Even Zali had her bouts of uncertainty.

A minute later, Rebecca returned to us. “It’s not ready yet, so”—her permanent grin grew even bigger— “let’s get a drink.” She toddled away and Jonas and I glanced at each other, smiled, then followed behind my new Aussie friend.

At the bar, I insisted it was my shout as a way to thank them for keeping me company. Using the gadget the receptionist had put on my wrist, I charged the drinks to my account, and the barman told us to take a seat as he’d bring our drinks over.

Sitting on our towels, we positioned ourselves at a long bench table overlooking the grounds and its abundant pools. Our drinks arrived, and as we sipped, we chatted about everything from what it was like to be an Aussie living in Germany—fucking amazing, according to Rebecca—to my job and the places I’d been to in Europe. Once I started, it surprised even me how many things I had seen.

Maybe I’ve been harsh on myself. Although I hadn’t seen as many icons as I’d wanted, I’d still visited more than most people did in their whole lifetime.

Rebecca had been so amazed by my achievements that a rare dose of pride flitted through me.

“So, you’ve only got until Christmas before you have to leave? That sucks.” Rebecca’s smile remained even when she was repeating bad news.

“Unfortunately. There is still so much I want to do.”

She clicked her fingers. “Have you tried a Jägertea?”

The excitement on her face had me cringing. “No. Do I want to?”

“Hell yes, you do. Sit right there. This one’s on me.” She trotted to the bar like she owned the place.

“I told you she was fun.” Jonas grinned and swigged his Canadian Club and dry.

“She sure is.” I returned my gaze to Rebecca. She was curvaceous and so, so sexy. Her hips and bust were in proportion, framing her distinct waist. She had one of those hourglass figures that the magazines raved about. Unlike most of my Aussie tourists, her skin was milky white. Like she’d never seen any sun in her life. Her dark hair was tied into a messy knot high on her head, adding a good three inches to her height.