I hated it when people asked me that. “Sydney,” I said the first city that popped into my head.
“Hey, so’s Rebecca. It’d be funny if you knew each other.”
“Yeah, that would be funny.” Fuck no. Not funny at all. Last thing I needed with my tits sitting on my knees was to run into anybody I knew.
The sweat beading on his skin enhanced his hairless chest even more. His thighs, too, glistened. It seemed weird that he hadn’t looked at my breasts. I mean, they were right there on full display. In fact, I hadn’t noticed anyone ogling. Except me. I couldn’t help it. Maybe having boobs on full display meant people didn’t feel the need to sneak glances anymore.
It was a weird revelation.
Grandma, opposite me, had boobs that were so flat she could probably roll them up like a yoga mat.
The breasts on the two young women below her were different again. The brunette had a figure that gold statues were made of and her tits were like perfect peaches freshly plucked from a tree. Her friend, however, forgot to put her hand up when God was giving out breast tissue. Her areolas though, were prominent, dusty-pink headlights.
The air was getting hotter and dryer by the minute, and the more we sat, the more sweat trickled down my body. Beneath my boobs. Down the small of my back. From my temples. Jonas tilted his head back, and I watched mesmerized as a bead of sweat dribbled down his neck, over the defined curve of his chest muscle, and got barricaded by his erect nipple. Jonas eased forward and I snapped my eyes away.
“Ready to try another one?”
“Uh-huh.” Hell yeah. I was in voyeuristic heaven. I could do this all night long.
In the back of my mind, I registered that we had a six o’clock departure in the morning. Usually, I’d make sure I went to bed early on this night.
Not tonight. Not when I was doing something new. This was way more important than sleep. And it was fun. And interesting. And eye-opening.
Besides, I could sleep on the bus tomorrow.
From the Bali-inspired dry sauna, we went to a wet sauna. This time it was just the two of us. As I settled onto a seat, I watched Jonas’s back muscles ripple as he tipped a ladle of water over the hot coals. They sizzled to life and steam clouded our wood-lined room.
Jonas sat beside me, propping one leg up onto the seat . . . steaming his balls.
Chuckling to myself, I forced my eyes to leave that spectacle. Although, without a doubt, it would be forever ingrained in my memory.
Feeling more comfortable with just the two of us, which was totally weird as I’d just met him, I stopped hunching my shoulders in what had been a lame attempt to minimize my bust and leaned back.
“It’s nice, huh?” When he smiled, a dimple appeared in each of his cheeks.
Holy hot cakes. Things really were heating up.
“Yes. Yes, it is. Very nice.” I inhaled the delightful scents of floral and something else—Juniper maybe, or star anise, or something just as exotic.
When Zali had suggested this spa, I’d made up every excuse why I’d never do it. Thank God for her sticking it to me—and that ticking clock—or I probably wouldn’t have.
Maybe there was something good to come from a hard deadline after all. It was forcing me to pull my finger out. And to step out of my comfort zone.
From the wet and dry saunas inside, we moved to the selection of pools and spas outside. People of all shapes and sizes were everywhere. There was no such thing as embarrassing bodies at Vabali.
I felt more at home than I did in my London flat.
It helped that not a single person seemed to notice me. Every step was utter exhilaration, and my nipples were so rigid they could have poked someone’s eyes out. It was weird though—normally that’d embarrass me. Not tonight, with me and my hot stranger taking a stroll together butt-naked . . . his cock flopping side to side like a giant sausage and my tits wobbling like fleshy airbags.
I had absolutely no idea why he’d offered to show me around. But I sure was grateful. Without him, I probably would’ve stayed in that first sauna until they’d scraped out my shriveled-up remains with a shovel.
The temperature outside seemed to have dropped a couple more degrees since I’d arrived, adding to my erect nipple status, and every breath emitted a plume of mist from my mouth. Steam from all the outdoor pools created a low cloud that hung over the ground, adding to the exotic setting.
“It’s cold out here. Come on.” Jonas sprinted ahead of me.
With my boobs doing that clap thing against my chest, I dashed after him, giggling like a silly schoolgirl. We raced along the paved path to the pool centered amongst the lush gardens.
Subtle blue lights had the water glowing like a tropical lagoon, and rising steam confirmed it would be heated. Jonas barged down the pool steps creating a wave of water. I wasn’t any more delicate, following him in until my shoulders were submerged.