Page 99 of Sinful Promises

I bulged my eyes. “Who?”


I frowned. “Laura? The pregnant one?”

He nodded.

“But she, she looked all sweet and innocent.”

“I can assure you she was not so innocent.”

I burst out laughing and slapped his thigh. “You’re so naughty. I was your wing-woman. You were supposed to tell me.”

“We didn’t get a chance.”

“Bullshit. You had plenty of chances.” When he shifted his eyes away, I knew there was more. “Oh my god, you had sex with someone else. Let me guess—Lydia.”

He nodded but his dour expression suggested he was not happy about it.

“Not good, huh?”

“We were both drunk. It should never have happened.”

Oh, shit. It was all making sense now. “Oktoberfest night?”

“Yes. I wanted to go back to you. But she started crying and wouldn’t stop.” He moaned. “It was crap. I couldn’t leave her like that.”

I had already pegged Lydia as conniving. Her actions didn’t surprise me.

He looked like the memory was strangling him.

“So why were you so angry at me at the start of our tour?”

His shoulders sagged. “Because, when I’d gone with Lydia, I thought I’d blown my chance with you.”

I stood, and determined to snatch that image of him and Lydia out of his brain, I put my hands on his shoulders, shoved him backward, and with both of us chuckling, I climbed on top, straddling him.

His eyes bulged. “Well, hello.”

I moved my hands to his chest and the bulge of his pecs perfectly molded to my fingers. “I was so pissed at you that night.”

“I know. And you had every right to be. I’m sorry.”

“Oh yeah. How sorry?”

He clutched my cheeks, pulled me down to him, and we kissed. His lips were soft and tender yet driven. My heart danced and I lost myself in the moment. Our kiss ended all too soon and I sat back up.

“That’s how sorry I am,” Roman said, all serious.

“Hmmm.” I pretended to be nonchalant. “So not much then.”

Chuckling, Roman grabbed my shoulders, and with me squealing with delight, he rolled me sideways. Before I knew it, he was straddling me, and I was looking up into his gorgeous eyes.

“You want to be shown sorry, huh?”

“I think I deserve it, yes.”

He peeled off his jumper and the T-shirt he’d been wearing beneath it. It was the first time I’d seen him without his shirt on. Holy hotcakes. The rippling abs I’d always envisaged beneath his Vacation Dreamz uniform were so much more chiseled.